Sunday, October 9, 2011

Unusual Child Names


After the airing of the 10am show, I had my lunch... yet another open-faced turkey sandwich with hummus and guacamole. I know that's the same lunch two days in a row, but I was tired last night and didn't feel like making anything else. Sue me!

One thing that I have noticed in the almost three months I've worked at NWCN is that most, if not all, of our anchors have named their children really obscure names. I'm talking about names like Blythe, Chance (which always reminds me of the dog in the movie Homeward Bound), Emerson, Sable and Harper. Don't those names seem really non-traditional? What happened to names like John and Kate (and their "Plus 8")? Maybe it's a generational thing.


I did my second-to-last strength training work
out from my Look Better Naked routine. Sad day. Unlike a lot of strength training exercises, it actually felt like I worked hard today. While my LBN workout plan is coming to a close, I did manage to schedule out a new workout plan to start next week.

Here's what it looks like:

Sunday - 45-minute treadmill workout
Monday - Body Pump
Tuesday - Rest or 45-minute treadmill workout (depending on how I feel)
Wednesday - Mat Pilates (my abs are gonna
Thursday - Spin Class
Friday - Body Pump
Saturday - rest

This seems really ambitious right now and I know that I'm going to be so sore the first week that I won't be able to move, but I'm really excited about it. I'm hoping my fatty-fatness just starts to melt off (one can hope).

Post-Workout Snack

I poured me a cup of choco-milk, followed by two gummy vitamins. Nom.

Now to watch the end of the Seahawks game (and hope they don't implode with awfulness), shower, and then go do my favorite activity: GROCERY SHOPPING! I'm not even kidding. Grocery shopping actually relaxes me when I'm feeling stressed out. It's not the most cost-effective activity, but at least it's better than doing crack.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u
