Thursday, October 13, 2011

C'mon Baby... and Let's Do the Twitch!

Happy Thursday! Or Happy Sunday to me. It is such a nice clear day in Western Washington, but it is cold as eff. The Northwest fall is upon us. I do like the colors of the trees by my local Albertson's


I wanted to go with something simple, but could also do the job of fueling me for my circuit workout. So I went with a PB Waffle with banana and honey.


The waffle definitely helped me get through my last circuit workout. I was really hoping to go all out with the workout, but it seemed like everyone and their mom was in the women's workout room. Since part of the circuit is to run for 40 seconds, I have to have a treadmill on stand-by so I can just jump on it and go. I know that sounds like I'm hogging it, but I only use it for 20 minutes.

Usually there isn't anyone in the room to get in my way, but today I had three different people turn off my treadmill, which meant I had to t
ake time out of my workout to turn it back on again and gear it up to the right speed. I was a little annoyed. Couldn't you have gone, to say, the main workout area where there are, like, 20 treadmills instead of coming to this workout room where there is only one working treadmill? Are you really that self-conscious about working out in front of other people? I don't know, it was really annoying. But now I don't have to do that workout anymore, so treadmill away ladies!

Post-Workout Snack

For the last few days, a muscle in my right arm has been twitching like a mo-fo. Like, really twitching. My arm looks like it has a heart b
eat. So, like most intelligent people, I went to WebMD to see what could possibly be the problem. What it basically told me was that I need to replenish my salts and electrolytes. I've been working out hard and sweating, but I'm not replenishing what I'm losing. Sounded like the the culprit to my mysteriously twitching arm. Although WebMD did also tell me that I could have a brain tumor so we'll see.

After the gym I stopped by the store to get some Gatorade and milk. Since I didn't want to chug the entire bottle, I put a little bit in my water bottle, and filled the rest with water. I'm hoping it does the trick. So far, my arm hasn't twitched in about 30 minutes.

I also served myself up some Ry Crisps with almond butter and honey to get my fiber and protein.

Now for some of last night's ep of Top Chef: Just Desserts. I have to admit, you do NOT want to watch this show if you're on a diet. All the dessert look soooooo good. And head judge Johnny Iuzzini looks pretty good too, if you know what I mean.

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