Monday, October 10, 2011

Pretend He's Casey Anthony


I was going to finish off the last of my spaghetti squash, but when I opened up the container it looked as if it had seen better days. So I thought that I'd make my chicken sausage salad. But I didn't feel like having another salad today, so I made it into a pita instead.

I was feeling ambitious tonight, so I thought I would whip up some sweet potato chips. One side for salt and the other side for cinnamon. Thanks to the mandolin I used to cut the potato, all the chips turned out nice and crispy.

For a little dessert, I had a Jonathan apple that I got at the store yesterday. I'd never had a Jonathan apple before, and I have to say that it was pretty good. Nice and sweet, but not too sweet. I'd still kill for a Rome apple, though. So delish.


So we're watching Dancing with the Stars (because it's awesome) and Nancy Grace is dancing the pasodoble and her coach was trying to get her to bring the same aggression she has on her "news" show to the dance floor. Well obviously his motivation didn't work because her dance sucked.

My strategy would be to tell her to imagine her partner as Casey Anthony. I can't think of anyone Nancy hates more. It would have totally put her in the mood. Down with Tot Mom!

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