Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Or should I say "Happy Kim Kardashian/Kris Humphries Divorce Day!" So, who bet 72 days in their office pool? Because that's how long their joke of a marriage was. My producer called their marriage a "farce," which is also pretty accurate. I can't wait to see what kind of viewership they'll get for their show now. Talk about disgusting.

Any-who... my dad and I went out for another run on this brisk (and I mean BRISK) Halloween morning. There were some things that went better in this run than in the last one we had on Friday. First of all, I actually had music to listen to. I listened to my Pandora radio app on my iPhone. I was totally rocking it to the "Summer Hits of the 2000s" station. However, at one point the station started playing "Stand By Me," which last time I checked, was not from the 2000s.

Another good thing that happened on my run was that I shortened my mile time by about 20 seconds. Running to the end of the road is a piece of cake. It's the run back to my house that's the real issue. The run back is at some kind of incline that doesn't seem like much, but it kills me every time. That incline is the biggest bitch I have in my life right now.

And this might sound really disgusting, but whenever I run outside, I get so much phlegm in my throat that I always have to stop and cough it out. It's really annoying. What can I do to remedy this problem?

Towards the end of the run, I was really picking up some speed. Mainly because I just wanted to get the run over with. Other than that, I'm still a terrible runner. But I'm pretty confident that there will come a time when I won't die trying to run 2 miles. I might need to do more treadmill work, especially with the weather getting increasingly colder slash crappier.


I was so stoked to have my Protein Pancakes today. I heated them up and poured on the syrup (it was sugar-free so I didn't feel that bad about it). They were actually pretty delicious. I little denser than normal pancakes, but I chalked that up to the fact that these ones were packed with oats and protein powder.

The bananas in the pancakes were also really good (somebody queue the Jack Johnson), but I can't wait to try the pancakes with other berries as well.

Hopefully all the protein will help me recover from my run and the Body Pump class I have after work.

One of my co-workers brought in cupcakes today (When will there ever be a day when someone doesn't bring treats in?). They were chocolate with cookies and cream frosting. I mean, hello! I gave in.

It was so good. However, the cupcake and frosting were so rich, I could only take about two bites. I think that's probably for the best.


I wanted to finish the last of the pineapple I had left over from my pizza. So, I mixed the p-apple with some slived almonds. So refreshing.

My producer let me booth the 15/45 segments today. It's so fun now that I'm getting the hang of it. Also when I printed out the scripts to give to our anchor, I drew a little spider and a little ghost to get him in the Halloween mood. He said they were cute. Win!


I was really craving another Lazy-Ass sandwich, so I made one. The Cilantro and Jalapeno hummus I got from Trader Joe's is really growing on me. At first it tasted a little weird... but I'm a cilantro girl and I'm totally digging it now.

Did you know that people are genetically predisposed to like/dislike cilantro? I obviously got the "LOVES cilantro" gene, which thank goodness because my dad will put it in everything if you let him.

I hope everyone has fun plans for this Halloween. I, for one, don't unless you count going to Body Pump and then curling on the coach to watching Dancing with the Stars. Then in that case, I do have plans. Lame plans.

I'll try not to eat all the Halloween candy that is supposed to be for the tons of trick-or-treaters we plan to get this year...not. I think in the 22 years I have lived in my house, we've probably have had one trick-or-treater. We're just not in a prime T-o-T location, obviously.

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