Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Avoid Viaduct Traffic

So, today was the first weekday during the big Alaskan Way Viaduct closure. Pretty much every local news organization (including the one I work for) and their mom were warning Seattle drivers that the Monday morning commute to Downtown was going to be a bonafide nightmare. I suppose that when I roadway that normally carries over 110,000 vehicles a day is closed, those people are gonna have to find a place to drive.
Hence why my Google Map looked like this this morning.

Well, I manage to find a route to work that not only wasn't congested, there were barely any drivers on it, period. Since taking I-5 was clearly not an option this morning, I decided to take Highway 99 into Downtown. I don't think I've ever seen that few people on 99 ever. Moral of the story is if you want to aviod gridlock on your way to work, take the road that will eventually be closed off. People avoid it like the plague.


Instead of having a PB Waffle, I made it into a PB English muffin. I had some muffins and I didn't want them to go to waste. I also added some sliced bananas on top and cut myself a piece of my juicy mango.

After my morning news producer let me booth part of the 10am show yesterday, she let me run the graphics again for some of our 15/45 news breaks. I was a little nervous going into it because I did want to royally screw up the segment, but it ultimately went okay. The first news break I booth went a split second too long because I didn't start the timer exactly on time and the anchor lost her earpiece to the booth.

But since I went into the second news break knowing that the timer takes a second or two to start counting down, I started it right on time and we have a perfectly timed segment. Woohoo! It's like a rush.


I got some red grapes at the store yesterday. I've been in a green grape mood lately, but red grapes have always been a favorite of mine. I also had a piece of cheddar cheese to help me stay fuller longer.

Someone brought treats to the newsroom today. They were like half cake half rice crispy treat. They were so good, but I only had half a bar.


I wanted to have a really clean and simple lunch, so I had some Trader Joe's black bean soup and romaine. After last night's fatty taco salad fiasco, it was nice to have something that didn't weight me down.

Today's work shift went by so fast. I guess that's what happens when you get to go in the booth every half an hour. It was so fun! Now on to Body Pump. To add weight or not to add weight...

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