Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Opportunities and New Clothes!

Right when I thought I wasn't going to spend any more money on clothes, I go and buy some new clothes. At least these ones are workout clothes, which I needed desperately.

After work I went to the Lucy active wear store at the U Village. Can I just take this time to mention how much I love driving through th
e U-District, especially with all the students walking about campus. It made me feel all college-y again, without the pains of actually going to class.

Anyway, I went to Lucy on the mission of
finding cropped workout pants, something I could wear to spinning or Bodypump classes when just plain shorts won't do. The nice sales associate named Julie helped me out and she was awesome. I knew she was going to be good when she looked at me and asked if I was a size four. Ha! I wish. She was nice like that. Well, she helped me find some pants while I found some training tops that were 2 for $40. I tried on the selections and they were great. Then Julie came back with some "fun" things for me to try on. I put on the blue sweatshirt and I immediately had to have it. Damn you, Julie!

So what turned into a search for pants turned into a purchase of pants, two tops and a sweatshirt. At least I managed to get the pants.


I was feeling really ambitious this morning, so I got up 20 minutes earlier than normal to make me some French toast. And my ambition totally paid off!

I used the new whole grain bread that we got at the store the other day. It's more in calories than the usual 45-calorie bread that I have been eating lately, but it is so much more substantial and filling. It made for some good French toast with some syrup on top. There were some rasp/blackberries on the side and a glass of milk.


At work I had a snack of trail mix which included pistachios, two varieties of Fiber One cereal, and dried cherries. I'm not a nut person, but pist
achios have got to be my favorite.

At work I got a chance to have to little chat with my News Director (boss man), just to check in and tell him how much I like working there and how much I'm learning from everyone. I also told him that I was at the point where I was ready to learn more and taken on more responsibility. He basically told me to be patient (which I am) and that they are looking for ways to move me up in the organization (yay!). He also mentioned that if I was interested in earning more hours (aka more $$), KING was going to need someone on Mondays and Tuesdays to help our consumer investigator reporter Jesse Jones. If you've never seen Jesse Jones on KING before, he's a hoot.

I'm hoping that this new opportunity works out since it will be a chance to get my foot in the door at KING, plus more money. The only drawback is that it cuts into the 4pm Bodypump class I was going to take after work. Now the only Bodypump class I can take that day is at 5:45...in the morning! After some consideration, I figured that I could at least try to make it to the 5:45 class. I would be tired from working early the previous morning, so it wouldn't be hard for me to get to bed earlier on Sunday. Either way, I think things are going to work out.


For lunch I made myself an open-faced veggie
sandwich with eggplant, zucchini, peppers, artichoke hearts and mozzarella cheese. The whole grain bread was a welcome addition. However the eggplant was baked a little too thin. I sliced it up on the mandolin last night and when I put it in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes, it came out looking like eggplant paper. Way too thin. But delicious nonetheless.


After my shopping excursion, I knew I wasn't going to make it to dinner I was so starving. So I sliced a banana in two and filled the middle with almond butter. Best sandwich ever! Totally hit the spot.

Now I'm waiting for mom to get home so we can watch the USA men's game. Go USA! Go Brek Shea! In the meantime, more Breaking Bad! Love me some shows about meth.

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