Friday, October 14, 2011

The Big 100!

Woohoo! I've finally reached my 100th blog post. Took me long enough, right? And it's going to be an action-packed blog post at that.


I wanted to have some citrus in my life, so I broiled half a grapefruit with some Splenda and cinnamon on it for a couple minutes, then ate it up along with some toast with almond butter and a glass of milk. Such a great way to start the day.

I get to work and there's some breaking news about a sunken vessel spewing some shiny stuff (oil maybe) into Elliot Bay. Awesome! Nothing like breaking news greeting you when you walk in the door.


After a bit I ate up some creamy greeny avocado with a dash of lemon juice and salt.

I also drank a bottle of my Gatorade slash water concoction.


I went with my turkey-guac-hummus sandwich again. Last night when I was making my meals for today, all the the things that I would normally have for lunch were still in the freezer. Since I didn't want to wait for them to defrost, I just made a sandwich. It was good. There was some triple berry action as well.

After work, I made my way to Northwest University (it's still Northwest Bible College to me) to watch my friend Timon referee this ish out of the game. It was different seeing such a high paced game after watching so much high school girls' soccer. My friend Josh was supposed to also be at this game, but he never showed up. Lame. He could have saved me from the two annoying Oregon girls I had to sit next to. Turned out one of them was the opposing team's coach's daughter. She was a treat.


During the game I munched on some grapes and cheddar cheese. The only thing missing was a cheap bottle of wine to accompany them. But I'm sure our friends at Northwest Bible College would frown upon alcohol coming anywhere close to the sacred campus. After sitting next to those girls, I needed a drink.

I chatted with my friends a little after the game, but then had to head over to Pop Keeney Stadium in Bothell to get a decent parking spot for tonight's big Woodinville High School Homecoming football game! The Mighty Falcons are playing our big rivals the Inglemoor Vikings (or the Ingle-morons as we Woodinvillians affectionately call them).

Here's the student section. It was what the kids call a "white out."

Our football game even got voted the Big Game of the Week, so Chris Egan from KING was on hand to give a live report from the field. Here I creepily took some pictures of him while he was doing his thing.


After my friend Holly and I made our way to the stands and sat in the non-student section (which was really weird b-t-dubs), I ate what was supposed to be a Chicken Lettuce Wrap, but ultimately turned into a Chicken Veggie mixture in a lettuce cup. Still, with all the chicken, eggplant, zucchini, carrots, artichoke hearts, cheese, and my homemade viniagrette, it was mighty delicious. But somehow I wasn't super hungry, so I decided to save some of it for my lunch tomorrow.

We took in the pre-game festivities like the band...

...and cheerleaders...

...and the mascot. Wait, they have a mascot now? We didn't have a mascot when I went to Woodinville. I feel gypped.

Holly and I had to get a picture in before the start of the game.

Then the game started. It was weird to actually sit down and watch a high school football game. When we were in high school, we mainly stood in the student section, did cheers and talked. There wasn't a lot of watching going on. Kind of like the Emerald City Supporters do during Sounders games haha.

Woodinville scored on their first possession, because we're boss like that. I'm sure Chris Egan was impressed. During the game, Holly and I saw a few people that we went to high school with, but no one that we really wanted to talk to. We did see Katie Sander, who went to HS with us and who's dad taught me math and video production at Leota Junior High. It was really nice to catch up with her. She's such a sweetie.

I also got to see her dad, which was the first time I'd seen him since, well, junior high. Mr. Sander pretty much looks exactly the same. I had to tell him "thank you" for teaching me about Final Cut Pro in video production class since that was our main editing software in my college broadcasting classes. He chuckled.

At half time, Woodinville was leading 21-7 (woo!) and it was time for the Homecoming halftime extravaganza. They turned the stadium lights off because the marching band was wearing glow sticks and whatever. They were supposed to do songs that represented 3 big American cities - New York, Dallas (huh?) and LA (or "Hollywood" as they called it. Ugh). All in all, the marching band performance was pretty lame, but I'm not really sure what I was expecting. Then they brought out the homecoming court, which was filled with a bunch of kids that I'd never heard of before. Too bad the still had the stadium lights turned off, because I couldn't see any of their faces.

One funny side show that kept happening during the game was whenever some Inglemoor kids tried to walk over to our stands (probably to be startin' somethin') there was this lady police person that would tell them to turn around. Well, when I was leaving the game, I saw this Inglemoor person that had previously tried to get to our stands, only this time she was being taken away by the police lady to the detention room or something. It was a bit strange.

Also a bit strange was when I was driving through the parking lot and I saw what looked to be a high school kid wearing a Woodinville High sweatshirt and carrying a tall boy. Glad to see some things don't ever change.

I got home and it was time for bed, but I just had to stay up and watch the Portland Timber lose (one of my many pleasures in life). Then I had to watch a little bit of A Knight's Tale (one of my favorite movies and RIP Heath). So basically what turned into an 8:30 bed time turned into a 10pm bed time. Tomorrow is not going to be fun. A nap is in my future for sures.

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