Thursday, October 6, 2011

TMI - Too Much Information

Happy Shopping Hangover Day!

I can't wait to try on all my new clothes again and figure out which article goes with what. Hello Garanimals!!!


I got up before my alarm today and
decided to make an egg white and cheese wrap while I watch What Not to Wear. Trust me, there is egg whites and cheese in there.


Then it was off to the gym for another round with my metabolic workout. It definitely made me sweat. While I was in there, a woman was having a personal training session with the lady trainer that I always thought looked young from afar, but when I got an up-close look, she was just an old hag with wayyyyy too much make-up on. WHAT are you trying to prove, honey.

As I was stretching, the trainer with the too-much-hooker-make-up on was telling her client how her ex-husband was nagging her and was now forcing her to pay him the child support. Heavens no! Then she almost
broke down into tears when she was talking about how she was almost broke.

Okay... I'm sorry that you have a skeevy ex-husband and money troubles, but do you really need to tell your client that? And do you need to say it loud enough that the rest of the ladies in the "Women Only" workout room can hear you? I don't think so. Too Much Information.

Post-workout Snack

When I got home I was craving something cold and sweet to make up for the fact I was hot a sweaty. So I whipped myself up a s
weet smoothie with fat-free milk, 1/2 of a slightly over-ripe banana, peanut butter, cocoa powder, and ice. It totally hit the spot.

Now to shower and try on all my clothes. Trust me, it's going to be more exhausting than it sounds.

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