Monday, October 3, 2011

New Blog and Amanda Knox

Hello, hello, hello.

It's been a long time since I've blogged... again. But I think I have found an answer to my lack of blogging.

I've recently became super-duper
obsessed with two things: Women's Health Magazine and this fitness and healthy-living blog called Carrot 'N' Cake. Both have tons of tips in how to be fit, eat well, and just have an all-around healthy lifestyle. Upon my obsession with these two things, I myself have decided that I want a healthy lifestyle of my own. I've kicked started a better diet and exercise routine thanks to the WHM book, Look Better Naked. Scandalous title, I know.

Another thing I've decided to do, thanks to Carrots 'N' Cake, is to blog more. And I mean really blog an everyday kind of t
hing. Following the CNC example, I'm just going to blog about my day, what I eat, what I did at work, how I worked out, and all the thoughts that may have jumped into my head along the way.

I'm not just doing this so that I can just get the posts in there. I'm doing this because I think that by documenting everything (well...maybe not everything) onto my blog, it will keep me accountable to maintaining the healthy lifestyle
that I have set out for myself. goes nothing.

I knew that work was going to be a little bit mo
re stressful today, being Amanda Knox Verdict Day and all, so I knew that I wanted to get a nice filling breakfast. I broiled me up a half a grapefruit with some cinnamon and Splenda sprinkled on top and made some toast with almond butter and a cup of fat-free milk. Pretty freaking awesome if you ask me. I don't know if you've ever had almond butter before, but it blows regular ole PB out of the jar. So delish.

After eating I made my trek around the Lake to NWCN, hoping that the Amanda Knox Appeals verdict had already been read. Unfortunately, it hadn't. We had to wait until almost 1pm before we knew if she was going to be acquitted or have to remain in Italian prison.

Around 11:30 I got a wee-bit hungry so I enjoyed my snack of guacamole and carrot sticks

If you live under a rock and don't know anything about Amanda Knox and the whole mess over in Italy, click here.

The verdict finally came down. The entire newsroom was on pins and needles... mainly because half of our show was dedicated to Amanda Knox and we needed to get our information stat. My producer and I were watching on the baby TVs.

It turned out that Amanda Knox's murder conviction was overturned and she was a free woman. Woohoo!!! However, while I'm really happy for the Knox family, my heart does go out to the family of Meredith Kercher. Hopefully they will find closure in this tragic event.

Now, can we all do ourselves a favor and just stop talking about Amanda Knox. It's been four years. Let's start talking about something else, like how our economy is in the toilet and what not. I don't know.

While we got the show together for
2pm, I ate my lunch of an open-faced veggie sandwich: whole wheat bread with roasted eggplant, zucchini, peppers and artichoke hears and some part-skim mozzarella cheese on top. Yum-o!

After the 2pm show aired, I went to the gym to do my circuit workout. It's from Look Better Naked.

I had four exercises that I had to do. Each exercise was to be done for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest between each one. I had to do the circuit six times, totaling 24 minutes of ass-kicking. The four exercises were:

  • Sprinting
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Explosive Step Ups
  • Static Squats In-and-Out Jumps.

When I first did this circuit last week, I thought it would be easy. Sprinting...whatever. Mountain climbers...I did that in elementary school. Boy was I wrong. I was dye-ing, big time. Today was my third time doing this circuit, so it has gotten
a little bit easier, but it still makes me breathe extra heavy.

After the workout I went back home and had a post-workout snack of Rye Crisps (super high in fiber) smothered in almond butter (super high in deliciousness).

Now to shower, do some laundry, and clean out some clothes out of my closed to get ready for my shopping spree on Wednesday. So excited! Until next time.

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