Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pilates, Flu Shot, Tapas

Definitely not my best blog title ever, but it pretty much sums up everything that I did today.


Since I didn't have any fresh fruit on hand, my
breakfast options were limited. So I made an egg and cheese burrito. Quick and dirty.

I had my first morning Pilates class today. I was preparing myself ahead of time because the last time I did a Pilates class I couldn't move for days. Before class I did my 45-minute treadmill workout, just so I can't a little bit of a sweat going.

I went to class early so I could stretch and meet the instructor. When the instructor came into the room, she seemed like the most unassuming 60-year-old lady you'd ever seen. Her name was Patti and she looked like Anne Meara...only younger.

Our Pilates gear.

Do not underestimate the power of Patti. She kicked my ass for the whole hour. My outer thighs felt like they were on fire when we were doing the leg portion of the workout. Instead of doing an exercise and then maybe taking a quick break before moving on the next move, Patti went one move right after the next. Ugh. The Pilates class may have been hard as hell, but I'm definitely going back next week. Hopefully I'm able to move tomorrow.


I went with the small bag of popcorn
with some Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top. That's about all I have to say about that.

Today was when work was having their free flu shot clinic. I took that opportunity to not only get a flu shot fo free (!), but to also do some touristy Seattle thing, since I hardly ever go into downtown.

I was nervous going in to get my flu shot. For some reason I'm always nervous before I get a flu shot. I always think that it's going to hurt more than it really does. Well this time I had a right to be nervous because the shot hurt li
ke a mother. I thought they were supposed to use these super thin needles that aren't supposed to hurt. What the hell, man? Whatever, at least it was free.

After my flu shot I hopped a bus (woo metro!) down to the Pike Place Market. I had lots of free time before my dinner with Levi and Timon and since I've never spent a lot of time at the market, I thought it'd be a great time to peruse. Maybe I'd pick up some produce while I'm there.

I walked around a bit, looked at some flowers and fruit...

...and settled on the biggest mango I've ever seen. I mean, just look at the size of it. It's at least 3 times as big as the wimpy ones that they sell at the grocery store. I also got a couple kiwis, two boxes of raspberries (yay!), and a beefsteak tomato. Hurray for more produce!

I stopped by the newsstand that carries magazines from literally all over the world to see if they had the ESPN Body Issue. I asked the vendor and he said, "The magazine with all the naked people? We're not getting that until Thursday." Then he gave me a look like he thought I was a perv. The magazine's not for me, buddy!


After I walked the length of the market and had seen enough, I strolled over to Westlake Center to just chill. On the way there I walked by the Occupy Seattle protest over at Westlake Park. It seemed about as lame as I thought it would be.


I sat on a bench and ate another Lazy-Ass sandwich. It did the trick.

I went to the food court, pulled up a chair and read some of my book while I waited for Timon to come up from Tukwila. When he got there he ordered a crepe from one of the food stands. It had bananas, custard and corn flakes. Strange, but delicious.

After a bit we decided to go find a bar and have a beer. We still had a ton of time before we met Levi for dinner, so we came upon the Blarney Stone Pub and had a pint. Plus it was Happy Hour so we got a dollar off our beers. Woohoo for Hefeweizen!

On our way to meet Levi in Ballard, Timon and I got lost near the Woodland Park. That place was the biggest cluster to get out of. We finally got back on track and made it to Ballard. I lost Timon at a light, so I was trying to find this tapas bar alone. On top of that, I had to pee like never before, so I had to stop somewhere a couple blocks away and use the bathroom in some office building. Thank God for that, otherwise I would have been looking for a new pair of pants. (sorry, overshare).

I could go into all the stuff that we ate at the tapas bar, but all I can really say is that the Ocho tapas bar in Ballard is legit. The food was really good, the drink was really good, the company was really good. Just an overall really good experience.

The bar was a little too dark to take picture of the food, but I can say that we ordered a lot of tapas to share. Perhaps my favorite tapa of the night was the Croquetas Borrachas, which were fried goat cheese balls with some roasted pepper sauce. Nom nom nom. We ordered two of those.

For a drink I order the Sagrada Familia cocktail, which had pear brandy, cava (Spanish champagne) and lemon juice. So delicious. Definitely worth the splurge.

I'm just glad that I have an hour-long spin class tomorrow, because I have a lot of calories to burn. Bed time!

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