Friday, October 14, 2011

A Leisurely Stroll

Yesterday's Lunch

I had some turkey to use before it went bad, so I made my go-to turkey-guac-hummus open-faced sandwich. And with the new whole grain bread I bought at the store, it was a LOT more delicious.

Plus, I'm not sure if you know how much 4 oz. of turkey is, but it is a butt-ton. Look at all this turkey!

After lunch I watched more Breaking Bad (I finished season 4 :( ), then decided that instead of sitting on my butt for the rest of the afternoon, that I would take a walk down my street. It was a beautiful day out and wasn't too cold, so I threw on my sweatshirt and headed out the door.

Along the way, I met this horse. There's lots of horses in this part of the Wood-Hood.

And I came across this. I know it's Halloween season and all, but this is pretty terrifying. It has splattered blood on the chainsaw.

I came to the road blockage at the end of the street, but I decided to go past it and see what was there. Just more big houses.

Yesterday's Snack

I made my way back to my house and had a handful of honey roasted almonds. I was really craving something sweet.

I settled in and watched more TV (I really need to find something else to do on my days off) and then made my lunch and dinner for tomorrow. I'm not going to spend a lot of time in the house tomorrow because after work I'm watching my frient Timon ref a college game, and then I'm attending my high school's Homecoming football game. Go Falcons! So, the more I could cook today the better.

Last Night's Dinner

After making my meals for the next day, I whipped up a little chicken sausage, wilted spinach, quinoa, and feta cheese. It was pretty delightful.

Later my family and I went to watch my cousin play high school soccer. It was yet another frustrating display of football. That team really has no idea how to play the beautiful game. Although, it is easy to get frustrated with bad soccer when all I do is watch good soccer, thanks to FC Barcelona.

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