Saturday, October 29, 2011


Imagine that in some kind of Frankenstein voice.

I woke up this morning with such a hankering for pizza. And I'm not talking about like a Domino's grease pit (although the new Domino's is actually quite delish). I'm talking about something homemade. Stretching pizza dough, fresh veggies, tomato sauce and herbs, and of course...mozzarella cheese! My tum-tum is growling just thinking about it (I really need to stop thinking about pizza at work).

Another thing I woke up with this morning was a total-body soreness. Mainly in my back and thighs. I guess Body Pump really did work me hard yesterday.


Last night, I had no idea what to make for this morning's breakfast. I wanted something easy, but I also didn't want yogurt or oatmeal or whatever. So...I ended up making an Egg McMuffin - sausage + tomato + cheddar cheese.

Meh... it didn't make me feel hungry anymore.


Again, I was lazy, so I just had the last bag of my apple chips and some almonds.


I had some more of my leftover Pho from the other day. And I still had some left over. So much Pho.


This was something that happened to me yesterday, but I completely forgot to blog about it. I've been doing a lot of reading of healthy-living blogs and most of them talk about running marathons and what not. While I am nowhere near ready or willing to run a marathon, I do want to enjoy running more and I think these blogs have inspired me to do that.

Yesterday I was researching some road races that take place in Seattle (which there are a lot btdubs) and I think I want to run a 5k. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but 3.1 miles sounds like a long way to me. I have to start somewhere. Plus I don't want to run a 5k just to run a 5k. I at least want to do is at some kind of fast(ish) pace.

I'm thinking of doing a 5k in March when the weather is slightly less awful. Once I complete that, I can start looking at other, longer races. I'm actually really excited about this.

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