Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reward Yourself!

I'm a big believer that you should reward yourself when you accomplish something - whether you've reached a goal you've been working toward or you finally managed to clean out your email inbox. When I found out I got into college, I got myself a hot dog and a churro from Costco (odd, I know). When I made the dean's list, I got a new pair of black boots. When I made it through an entire week of eating healthy and working out regularly, I splurge on something sweet. Getting rewards makes the task worth it... not to mention it's nice to get a treat every once in a while.

That's why this morning I decided that when (
not "if"... I have to think positive) I get promoted to full-time at work, I'm going to reward myself by buying a new pair of workout/running shoes. I also decided that once I get these new running shoes, that I will become someone that actually enjoys running. I want to be one of those people that gets a runner's high whenever they hit the pavement, instead of just feeling like I'm about to die.

I think that these shoes could do the trick.

Or these ones.

Last Night's Dinner

I baked up some salmon filet topped with an enormous amount of garlic salt (I'm obsessed with garlic salt) and served it with a salad and some quinoa. I was feeling festive and sauteed up some eggplant, zucchini and pepper and used it as salad topping. I added some pistachios for the crunch. Some Parmesan cheese may have made it's way onto my quinoa as well.


I bought a ton of fruit at the store the other day, so I thought that I would put it to good use. I made a yogurt parfait with Greek yogurt, kiwi, blueberries and raspberries, wheat germ (yeah, wheat germ), almonds and some flax seed. It was my first time trying to peel a kiwi, and it turned out to be a success. Woot.


I had my last Look Better Naked strength training session today. I wore my new cropped workout pants to the gym and every time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I kept thinking "Damn I look good!" Why haven't I been wearing cropped workout pants my entire life?

Post-Workout Snack

I re-fueled with choco-milk and a handful of whole g
rain crackers from Trader Joe's. Those things are like crack...ers.


I wanted something not centered around bread, but also something that was easy to make. I served up some black bean soup (also from TJ's), a spinach salad with grapes and my homemade vinaigrette, and two Ry Crisps, one covered with guac and the other covered in hummus. I felt so ethnic.

I set up the food on a place mat in the kitchen. It looked so good that I ended up eating my lunch in the kitchen while I watched season 4 of Breaking Bad. I've almost caught up with the series. Balls.

I cleaned up my room a little bit. Even made my bed, although all of the comforter fluff has congregated on one side... and not the side that I sleep on. How do I fix this without sweating my balls off whipping the comforter back and forth?

I still need to find a place for all these coat hangers.

After I cleaned, I thought that it would be a good idea to change my nail polish. At first I was just going to do my toes, but I just went ahead and did my finger nails too. I went dark pink on the toes and lighter pink on the fingers. I can't remember the last time I had polish on my nails, so I'm still getting used to it.

I'm getting rumblings in my tumblings, so Imma make myself a snack.

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