Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Have Weird Dreams

I took a three-hour nap when I got home. It was glorious. But I had a weird dream. Is it normal to dream when you only sleep for three hours? Either way, the dream I had was somewhat recurring in nature. It's where I'm driving on this tangled mess of freeways and I always keep getting on the wrong exit. And there always seems to be a body of water involved. For example, in one of these freeway dreams I've had, in order to get to 520, I literally had to walk a plank over a large lake or something. What is up with that? Maybe I need a dream analyst or something.

After waking up I went downstairs
to watch some soccer. I think I watched about three different MLS games. There weren't really any other options.


I've had this spaghetti squash from Trader Joe's for about three weeks, so I thought today was as good a time as ever to finally cook it. After nuking it in the microwave for 12 minutes, I had my dinner. I added marinara sauce, Parmesan cheese, and turkey meatballs.

Now to watch the Sounders game. 4 minutes in a Mauro Rosales is subbed out because of injury. Not a good sign. Let's hope the Sounders don't suck too royaly going into the playoffs.


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