Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hurts So Good

Surprisingly, I woke up this morning and didn't feel the least bit bloated from my beer dinner last night. Hooray metabolism! Not to mention I slept like a rock for a good nine hours. That's the most sleep I've gotten in approximately four days.

I was also super energized this morning because today is my Friday! Woohoo for the weekend, even though it comes in the middle of the week.


I wanted a really no-fuss breakfast, so I just made my PB Waffle with sliced banana and a cup of milk. I started using Trader Joe's frozen waffles in my breakfast, and I can say they are delicious. They just seem way more waffle-
y that Eggos.

Breakfast was a sad time for me though because I ran completely out of my jar of almond butter. Sad face. I would get more, but I have a ton of peanut butter, and almond butter at Albertson's cost over $8. What the hell almond butter Nazis? We kept running stories on the news that the price of nut butters was going to rise, but I didn't know it would be by that much. Ludacris! (And yes, I meant to spell that wrong.)

I saw this fantastic lighting outside my kitchen window this morning. Again, why can't Northwest falls be like this all the time?


As part of my no-fuss meal day, I ate up some grapes and cheddar cheese. Why is cheese so fricking good? Damn you, Wisconsin!

Work was relatively uneventful today. We didn't have one single story about the Occupy Protests. Thank goodness because I am really getting tired of writing about all those demonstrators that sit out there and don't shower and take dumps on cop cars.


Speaking of taking dumps on cop cars, how about some lunch? Since I made my lunch this morning and was a little strapped for time, I went with my tried-and-true Lazy-Ass sandwich.

It might be a Lazy-Ass, but it's a delicious Lazy-Ass.


I woke with some residual soreness from my early morning Cycling/Body Pump class from yesterday. It felt good to be "workout" sore. It makes me feel like I actually did something the day before. I was just glad that I wasn't so sore that I wouldn't be able to function today. I'll just chalk that up to me staying sufficiently hydrated all day yesterday.

Let's just hope I stay this level of soreness after my morning Pilates class tomorrow. Last time I took a Pilates class I couldn't move for two days without screaming out in pain. Not even joking. That actually happened to me.

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