Saturday, October 22, 2011

No Motivation

My arms feel so heavy right now from my Body Pump class last night. They're not sore, per se, which is good. I can still move them around, they just feel like they have no motivation to do much of anything. I guess that means they got a good workout.


I was so hungry on the way to work today that I didn't think I would have made it to 7am. But I did, somehow. Since I have that humungous mango from Pike Place, I decided to put it in my Apple-Cinnamon Oatmeal recipe instead of the apple. I added some kiwi to make it a complete tropical-cinnamon oatmeal. The mango was so ripe and sweet and yum!


The 11am show was pretty much written by 8am, so I took a little snooze. After I woke up it was time for a bit of a snack. I made some of my salty-sweet-tangy trail mix last night.

Trail Mix
  • 1 Tbsp dried cherries
  • 18 pistachios
  • 1/4 cup oat bran cereal (I do 1/8 cup of original Fiber One and 1/8 cup F.O. honey flakes)

The weather segment in our 11am show is a great time to start munching on my lunch. I ate the last part of my Skinny Cesaer Salad from last night, except I added some Pike Place raspberries and some flax seeds for extra good fatty acids.

And it was delicious.

Now for a longer nap so I can be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the Sounders game tonight.

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