Friday, October 28, 2011

RIP iPod

Happy Friday to everyone that didn't have to start their work week me.
I got up at 7:15 this morning to gear up for my run with my dad. I was surprised by how dark it was at that hour. I'm used to either waking up at 8:15 when it's already light-out, or getting to my work at the dark 4am and not leaving the building until noon.

It reminded me of that one Friends episode where Joey walks in on Chandler and Monica talking in the living room at like 4 in the morning. Joey says, "What are you guys do up in the middle of the night. It's pitch black outside." Chandler and Monica retort by saying, "No Joey, this is what 9 in the morning looks like." Joey, of course, believes them.

No Ally, this is what 7 in the morning looks like.

My dad and I stretched before we headed out. It wasn't as cold outside as I thought it would be. Maybe I wasn't as chilly because of my awesome discounted running top. Woohoo for clothing bargains.

We set out. I was listening to my iPod. Katy Perry was on. Things were going well. I was keeping a slow, but comfortable, pace. Then about a half mile in, my iPod stops playing. I find this inconvenient. We stop momentarily while I investigate what is going on. I take my iPod out of my pocket and I see that the screen is totally fading. Balls sack! My iPod was literally dying in front of me. I had to run the rest of our two mile run listening to nothing but my heavy breathing and my dad's loud footsteps. Not ideal.

The first half of the run was fine, probably because it was at a steady slope. It was on the way back home where I wanted to die. I guess you could say I hit the wall. This is why I need to get better at running. I can't just run a mile and then die. It's pathetic. Anywho, I managed to jog it back home in one piece (barely).

When I got back home I did manage to reset my iPod and it turned out again, but I don't think I'm going to take it on a run again. I'll just use my iPhone, which is probably better in case I get stuck somewhere and have to call someone. Plus, my iPhone has Pandora radio, which I find a lot more enjoyable that my iPod right now.


I broiled up a grapefruit with Splenda and cinnamon on top.

Don't worry, I didn't eat the charred rind part. There also was a piece of toast with almond butter and a glass of milk.

It's nice to come to work having already exercised some. Though my legs kind of feel like Jell-o, and I still have a Body Pump class this afternoon. Ooftah.


I had one of my go-to's of grapes and cheese. They grapes said they were seedless, but I'm pretty sure there were some little seeds in there.


Another go-to: the Lazy-Ass sandwich is back. But this time I changed the hummus. Now instead of Roasted Red Pepper Hummus, it's Cilantro and Jalepeno.

Show of hands of how many people are glad the Viaduct is re-opening earlier than planned. Yep, I didn't think you cared either.

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