Monday, October 17, 2011

My Beer Tolerance is Catastrophically Low

I thought that after my 5:45am workout that I would be ready to take on the world. Instead, I felt tired around 12:30pm. Either I need to not get up that early on Monday's, or hopefully after a while my body will get used to it.


I wanted something that was full of protein and calcium to help me recover from the morning's workout. So I had a Greek yogurt parfait wit
h kiwi, raspberries, wheat germ, flax seeds, and almonds.

I just had to mention that it was such a beautiful autumn day in the Pacific Northwest. Why can't it be like this all the time.


I just had me some avocado with lemon juice and a bit of salt.


Not a lot of stuff happened at work, so I'm basically just talking about the food I ate today. For lunch I had leftovers from my Thai dinner last night. And a side of triple berries.

After work I met up with my friend Julian at the German-style pub Die Bierstrube over in Greenlake. I hadn't seen Julian in nearly two years, so it was great to finally catch up. We had a few delicious German beers and some not so delicious German pretzels and four hours later both of us had to go back home.

While I had a blast catching up with Julian, I realized that my beer tolerance has gone severely downhill since I started my diet. One half liter of beer and I was done. Then again, when I do drink beer, it's doesn't have the same alcohol potency as German beer does. All I know is that if I plan to drink with Julian again, I need to up my alcohol tolerance.

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