Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trader Joe Run

Such a busy morning I had. And I got up way too early for my day off.

Last Night's Dinner

I made a simple spaghetti squash with marinara and turkey meatballs to go. I ate it while watching my cousin's high school soccer game.

The dinner was good. The game was awful. It's 2.5 hours of my life I will never get back.


I had a physical at my primary care place at 9am, so I got up, put on my gym clothes and made a simple breakfast. PB waffle with banana and honey.

After my physical, which wasn't as painful as I had anticipated, I had about an hour to kill before my Pilates class. I thought about going to the gym early and hitting the treadmill, but I didn't bring my tennis shoes. Then I thought about going back home and chilling for a half an hour before hitting the gym. Then I had my best idea ever and decided to stop by Trader Joe's. Both my primary care place and TJ's were in Redmond, so I figured I'd get some groceries while I was out there.

I looked up the directions to TJ's on my phone, and realized that it was literally around the corner from where I was. It was fate, obvi.

I was only going to get some frozen waffles (because they are amazing!) and walk right out. But when I enter, I was bombarded by their big pumpkin display. They had canned pumpkin, pumpkin pancake mix, pumpkin bread mix...I couldn't resist. I had to get some.

About ten minutes and 30 dollars later, I was out of Trader Joe's. I mean, how could I pass up 5 bananas for a dollar? They also had almond butter for only $4. The almond butter at Albertson's is more than $8. Yet another reason why TJ's is the bomb dot com.

I dropped off my groceries at home and headed out to the gym for more Pilates. Instructor Patti kicked my ass again. We did even more core work today, and my poor little abs were crying. Literally. I made a goal that I will do a Pilates class without having to stop halfway through an exercise. It will happen. Damn you, Patti.

Post-Workout Snack

I was having lunch with my friend, Holly just an hour after my Pilates class, so I had a small snack to help restore my muscles from my workout. Ry Crisp with my new almond butter (!) and honey.

Stay tuned for my next blog where I talk about the awesome Pho I had for lunch.

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