Monday, October 17, 2011

Everybody Cut, Everybody Cut!!!

Last night the family and I saw Footloose. I was really jazzed to see it because I love me some movies with dancing in it. Every time I see one, I think, "Damn, why did I stop taking dance lessons?" But I was also a little skeptical that it might not be as good as the original. I mean, it's Kevin Bacon for God's sake! Plus they had two dancers, and not actors, playing the two leads. It could get ugly.

But let me tell you, the new Footloose was sooooo good and, dare I say, better than the original. It kept some little things that were in the original, like Ariel's red cowboy boots and Ren's red jacket that he wore to the prom, but it was updated enough that it could resonate with today's audience. The dancing was phenomenal and the acting was pretty damn good. I thought Julianna Hough was a better Ariel Moore than Lori Singe
r was in the original.

They guy that played Willard (the Chris Penn character) was a hoot. He had all the good lines. Plus he kind of reminded me of Peyton Manning.

The sound track was also really good. I bought it on iTunes the second I got home.

One other thing that I absolutely LOVED about the new Footloose was Kenny Wormald, the guy playing Ren McCormick. Not gonna lie, he's extremely good-looking. AND great at dancing. AND he has a hawt Baw-ston accent. What's not to like?

Break me off a piece of that tasty morsel.


We were really hungry when we left the theater, so instead of making myself something when I got home, the family and I went to Racha Thai. I don't even remember the name of the noodles I got, just that it was wide and was a number 37 with chicken. I got it with two stars of spiciness. I'm not sure what happened to my taste buds, but they cannot handle heat anymore. Two stars was pushing it.

I ate about half the entree, and saved the rest for next day's lunch.

Then it was time to go home, and go to bed early. I had a Bodypump and cycling class at 5:45 the next morning.

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