Sunday, October 23, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

This week marks the second week of Seattle Restaurant Week, where you can get a 3 course dinner for $28 at more than 100 of the area's top restaurants. I really want to go try a restaurant or two, because frankly there is such a thing as too much Red Robin. My only problem is that with so many restaurants to choose from, I have no idea which one I want to try. I'd say about 95% of the restaurants I have never heard of, so I have no idea if they're any good.

Here are some of my options:

Chez Shea - This restaurant caught my eye for obvious reasons (Brek Shea anyone?). It's a small french-ish restaurant near the Pike Place Market that apparently has a good romantic vibe going on. I checked out the prix fixe menu for SRW and everything sounded really good. I even checked the restaurant's actual menu to make sure the $28 was getting me a good deal. I thought it was pretty good, considering one of the entrees itself cost $35. Plus if I go here for dinner, I can stop by the market and get more giant mangoes! Now I just need to find someone to go with me. I'm not about to go to some romantic-ish restaurant by myself.

Dahlia Lounge - I have heard nothing but good things about Tom Douglas restaurants, so I am really eager to try one of his more well-known Seattle eateries. This place is a little sentimental to me because it was in the parking lot behind Dahlia Lounge that I picked up my ticket to the Sounders US Open Cup game against Dallas, where, if you don't know, I met Brek Shea. Wait, I'm sensing a theme with these restaurants. Regardless of that, Dahlia is offering a $15 three-course lunch as part of SRW, so I might try to see if I can convince my dad to go with me. You know, for some quality father-daughter time. It's just too bad that the restaurant's SRW menu doesn't have their WSU gold cheddar appetizer. As much as I despise Wazzu, they do make a bitchin' cheese.

Palace Kitchen - Another Tom Douglas eatery. I checked out the SRW menu and it looked a little more ecclectic than I was used to. I don't really know too much about this restaurant other than it's owned by Tom Douglas. So it's gotta be good, right?

Barking Frog - This restaurant is approximately 3 minutes from my house, give or take a few seconds considering the traffic coming through the round-abouts. It's part of the fancy-schmancy Willows Lodge in "wine country" Woodinville. It's definitely more convenient to get to, not to mention parking is free (take that Seattle!). This might be a dark horse in my dinner-out decision.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. So many restaurants, so little time to eat at all of them.


Let's step away from the fine dining for a bit. I had a Greek yogurt parfait with my delicious mango (I'm obsessed with my Pike Place mango), raspberries, and wheat germ.

I always thought that wheat germ was something like wheat grass, a green grassy like substance that tasted like dog poo. But I couldn't be more wrong. Wheat germ is actually delightful and grainy, especially with some yogurt.

My Sunday morning shift is usually the time where I listen to music while writing my stories. I find that I concentrate more when I'm multi-tasking. I've been on a real Adele kick lately, so I listened to her on my iPod. How is it possible that someone is that good at singing?


I got more honey roasted almonds at the store. As cookie monster would say, "nomnomnomnomnom."

Today my producer let me chill in the booth during our 10am show. She showed me how to load graphics and all that good stuff. Hooray for learning! Hooray for more responsibilities!


Before I left work, I munched on another Lazy-Ass sandwich. As I often as I make this sandwich, it still never gets old.

The beefsteak tomato I had on top was part of my Pike Place Market purchases. It was so succulent.

There may or may not have been mold on the piece of bread I used. Some parts I ate tasted a little funky. If you don't see any blogs from me in the next couple days, it's probably because the mold has left me incapacitated... or

There were some trees across the street from my building that had really nice fall colors. I'm not sure if my iPhone camera did them any justice.


I went to the gym and did another 45-minute treadmill workout...

...followed by some mild strength training. I didn't want to exert myself too much. I have another Body Pump class tomorrow afternoon. Mom and I are going out to run some errands. There might be some clothes shopping involved. There will come a time when I stop spending all my money. I don't think that time is coming any time soon.

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