Saturday, October 8, 2011

I was Perky...Until I Drove Home

I was surprisingly alert this morning considering I woke up at 2:30 in the morning. More perky than I was yesterday after only getting up at 6:30. I don't get it.

Oh...I forgot to mention in the previous post that I did manage to polish off a box of tiny wheat crackers. It seemed like a weak moment t
o me, but they were just so delicious and hit the spot.


After writing my stories and then having a
ton of free time before our 11am show, I had a snack of Rye Crisps and almond butter. I ate one before I remembered to take the picture. Obviously, I was so involved in the almond butter goodness that I lost track of what I was supposed to do.


I fiddle-farted for a bit until it was time for the show. I ate my open-faced turkey, guacamole and Roasted Red Pepper hummus sandwich while I was running the teleprompter. Don't worry, it was during a commercial break.

Since our normal weekend anchor Meg Coyle has been doing the nightside shows for KING, we had our regular weekday anchor and fellow Woodinvillian Greg Copeland. Love me some G-Cope. He's pretty cool... even for a Coug.

After the show, I was done for the morning and had to drive back to Woodinville and run some errands before I could go home and nap. That was when for some reason all of my morning energy disappeared and I found it difficult to stay awake. Awesome.

I managed to get to Woodinville in one piece. I
did snag this picture of Mount Rainier peaking out while crossing 520.

I stopped at Ross to return my flying squirrel shirt (sad day), but ended up exchanging it so a leopard print poncho that I will use as part of my Halloween costume as one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Now all I need is my long black wig and I'll be set!

After that I stopped at Barnes and Noble to pick up a couple books and find the ESPN Body Issue for my friend Levi. He's only interested in the magazine because it has naked Hope Solo pictures in it.

Unfortunately for Levi I did not find ESPN The Magazine. But I did manage to find the book Carrots 'N' Cake by my favorite blogger Tina from Carrots 'N' Cake. I'm so excited to read this tomorrow. I also got some fitness magazines for some inspiration.

I returned home from my long morning, laid
on the couch, and fell asleep. Now I'm curled up on the couch, watching my dad curse at the US Men's National Soccer team as they kind of not play well against Honduras. Go USA! Go Brek Shea! Even though he looks like a wet bird that has fallen from the nest.

Sounders game tonight. Woot!

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