Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sexiest Man Alive

It's official. Christmas time is here and it's not even Thanksgiving yet.

How do I know this?

Because the easy-listening station started playing their wall-to-wall Christmas music yesterday at 3pm. Normally they wait until after Thanksgiving to start their Christmas music extravaganza, but not this year I guess. The bird gets no respect.

So yesterday's gym session was pretty awesome. I ran three miles, which is probably the farthest I've ever run at one time. I was so into my run (and watching the Twilight cast on Ellen) that I almost forget to go to my Body Pump class on 4:30.

Body Pump was pretty standard. Squats and lunges were pretty brutal. The shoulder set nearly killed me. It's so nice to get in a good workout.

Last Night's Dinner

I was planning on having some of my chicken-less BBQ pulled chicken (yep, "chicken-less" chicken), but my dad wanted to go out to eat. We went to our favorite Thai place and I ordered some more Pad Thai, that way I can make another Pad Thai salad for lunch. More on that later.


Pancakes!!! Protein pancakes!!! With bananas!!! And syrup!!! Yum!!!


I saw a big carton of "Creme Brulee Almonds" at the store and I thought, "I like almonds, I like creme why not?"

They tasted pretty much like creme brulee... and all of it's sugary goodness. These might not be the best snack.


Pad Thai noodles over Butter Lettuce. Yeah leftovers.


It's that time of year again. The time of year when People Magazine devotes an entire issue to the sexiest men in Hollywood (because that's where all the sexy men are).

This year's title of "Sexiest Man Alive" went to Bradley Cooper, which I can get behind. Personally I thought Ryan Gosling was going to take the cake, you know, since he's hot as hell and has been everywhere lately.

But Bradley hasn't had a bad year either...unless you remember that whole dating Renee Zellweger thing. That was just so wrong.

People's sexy man pick seems a little sentimental for me. I've known about Bradley Cooper since before he was "Bradley Cooper," back when he was Will Tippen, Jennifer Garner's nosey reporter friend on Alias. He hadn't reached his "sexy" potential yet.

Now I feel like I've watched him grow, in a way, from little annoying Will Tippen to the stud-man on the A-Team (which I never saw so I have no idea what his name was). My boy is all grown-up. Sniffle sniffle.

After skimming the approximately 20 pages dedicated to Bradley Cooper (I mean really? Did we need that many?), I looked through the rest of the photos of hot men. There were a lot of the usual suspects: Brad Pitt, David Beckham (bleh), Ryan Reynolds, Patrick Dempsey, blah, blah, blah. Been there, done that for the last five years. I didn't see Johnny Depp in the issue, which is fine by me because I don't think he's that hot anyway.

There were some guys in there that I was happy to see. Namely, Alex O'Loughlin from Hawaii Five-O. Dude is smokin'. Plus he's from Australia, so yeah. The more shirtless the better.

I'm glad Patrick Wilson made the issue.

The man can act, sing AND dance. Hawt. I miss more men were awesome dancers.

How about a shout-out to Ty Burrell. He may not be "sexy" in my book, but he continuously busts my gut as Phil Dunphy on Modern Family. He is such a doofus...and I love it!

I love looking at the "Sexy At Every Age" part because I like seeing how old the hot men are.

And I like seeing who they put in for the sexy man at my age (22). Apparently this year it's Cam Newton. I guess that's fine, if you into the whole "Auburn gave me money to play college football and I steal laptops kind of thing."

Also, since when was Liam Neeson 59-years-old? He doesn't look a day over 45!

Adam Levine (whom I've been in love with for the better part of a decade) is 32, and that makes me sad. Normally I'm all about going after the older men, but I have to put boundaries somewhere. 32 is pushing it, my friend. He's still hot though.

The only snub I can think of at the moment is the guy who played Ren McCormick in the new Footloose. Other than that, job well done, People. Job well done.

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