Monday, November 7, 2011

Back in the Groove

Lately I've felt like I've been stuck in a rut at work. A lot of the stories that I've had to write didn't resonate with me, which made it really hard to write. I'm not saying that I'm unmotivated at work, just that I can't get into it.

I think this has start happening since they moved the other writer to the same days as me, so now I have less stories to write. I feel like when I have more stories to write, there's more chance for me to get a story that I might find interested and gives me a chance to get the creative juices flowing.

I thought that today would be a great time (since it was a Monday after all) to get back in the groove. And get back in the groove I did. I got to booth our news breaks again, which is always a fun time. We also had some breaking news with the whole Conrad Murray trial nonsense. Breaking news always provides a good atmosphere in a newsroom that I like to feed off of.

Basically I feel that today injected me with a rush of adrenaline to help get me out of my rut. I don't want to feel blah at work anymore. I think it helped that I dressed so cute today.

Here's what I ate today:


PB waffle and honey and a side of nice, juicy mango.

Now I'm all out of mango. Gotta go back to PPM (Pike Place Market duh).


Guac from the gi-normo avocado my dad and I got at the PPM last week and carrots. I know the avocado looks really gross but it was delicious.


Lazy-Ass sandwich...because I was being a lazy-ass this morning.

There were grapes too.


Got to the gym and ran two miles on the treadmill. I felt really good doing it too. I felt like I could run another mile or two. But I didn't. I had a Body Pump class to get to.

We didn't have our normal instructor, which was odd. The fill-in we had wasn't quite as consistent at yell out our times on some of the exercises, which was frustrating at times. She did use different songs from the older Body Pump releases, which was cool. I was ready to do some of the other exercises. The lunges were pretty easy, but the triceps and the shoulders parts were very whore-like. My arms were dying.

I didn't like how I walked out of the gym at 5pm and it was pitch black. WTH Daylight Saving???

When I got home, I bought a super-awesome Living Social deal that my friend Holly turned me on to. It was $30 for 20 hot yoga classes. I was really psyched because I have wanted to try hot yoga for a really long time. And here was a $30 deal for a package that would normally cost $260. Umm...I think I'll take it. Now I just have to fit the hot yoga classes into my already busy workout schedule. I think I'll be fine.

After showering and changing, my mom and I went out to the Old Navy in Bellevue to look at their winter puffy coat sale. I was pretty disappointed with the puffiness of the jackets. Some of them were lacking serious puff. But I did find a nice black coat that had adequate puff. I also got a nice warm red scarf and matching mittens (because mittens are badass!).


Mom and I stopped at the Whole Foods salad bar area for dinner. I was really excited when I was making my salad. Plus I got shrimp spring rolls (mainly for the peanut sauce). It was all really expensive. Trader Joe's for the win.

The salad was meh. The shrimp spring rolls were okay. I was a little disappointed. At least the peanut sauce was good. I could bathe in peanut sauce (don't get any ideas).

Now I'm watching Dancing with the Stars. Rob Kardashian's ass is so large. Must run in the family.

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