Tuesday, November 29, 2011

An All-Around Bad Work Day

Today is my Friday, which always puts me in a good mood.

However, that good mood was totally quashed when, on the way to work, I managed to hit almost every red light between my house and Shoreline.

Then I got to work only to find that there were absolutely no parking spots. At all.

Well, that's a lie. There was one. But the asshole next to the open spot decided it would be a great idea to go in slanted, thus making the spot totally unparkable (unless you drove a Smart Car or something).

Total douche!

I did see one of my co-workers cars in the lot and remembered that she gets done at 10am. I waited for a little while, hoping she would come out, but then I realized that we were all having a staff meeting at 11am. She wasn't coming out any time soon.

This really annoyed me, and I ended up parking on the street. $1.50 and a lot of my patience later, I was finally at work. Sometimes parking can be a real pain in the ass.

But let's go back to more happier times:


I was feeling ambitious and made oatmeal on the stove top. Then I added Greek yogurt, raspberries, blackberries, and honey. Delicious and filling.

We had out brief staff meeting this morning. It was all about communication and stuff. We even got these little cards.

Then during our meeting with got some breaking news that Washington State football coach Paul Wulff was fired, so we had to scramble to put a quick news break together. It was a little stressful, but luckily we used all the new communication techniques we learned in our meeting to pull it off. Hooray cooperation!


Jonagold apple slices and some peanut butter. Yummy yummy!

Today was one of those demoralizing days at work. The kind of day where I thought I was writing good matieral, but then either my producer or the anchor goes on and changes everything. It's a really disappointing feeling, and I wish I didn't feel this disappointed on my Friday. It's days like today that make me feel like I'm not very good at my job.

At least I dressed cute in this What Not to Wear ensemble.


Black bean patty on a Sandwich Thin, with lentils and Brussels Sprouts on the side. Apparently I really wanted some protein and fiber in my lunch today.


After work I made a quick pit stop to the gym so I could get in my mile for the day. Afterward, I went to my cousins' house to pick up my cousin Maddie so we could go to hot yoga together.

She is in a yoga PE class at the high school, but she had to miss a lot of the exercises because she strained some ligaments in her knee. Now to raise her B+ yoga grade (for shame, Maddie, for shame) she has to do five extra curricular hot yoga classes.

That's when the light bulb went off in my head. Maddie should totally go to hot yoga with me. So we went. And it was awesome. Something I definitely needed after my rough day at work.

I sweated like a mo fo...and I was so much happier for it.

Maddie and I stopped at Jamba Juice for some nice, cold, fruity smoothies.

After getting back home, I relaxed and watched a shit ton of TV. Anything to get my mind off the terrible day I had at work.

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