Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Feel Skinny

(Ed. note: Son of a bitch! I was writing this post and it was really long and profound and then the computer just went ka-flooey and erased everything I wrote. Effffffff!!! Anyway, I rewrote it, but it's not as good as the first edition. Sorry about it.)

I've had issues with my weight for as long as I can remember. I've always been a chubby girl, and I've never liked it. Who would? It's really annoying.

I've tried countless times to lose the weight: diets, cleanses, pills (which are a big fat waste of money btdubs), even WeightWatchers which worked great during my last semester of college and then I came home and gained all the weight back. Do you know how demoralizing it is to lose nearly 20 pounds over 16 weeks only to gain them back in about four weeks. Pretty effing demoralizing.

Well this September, I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of being overweight and blah. I was doing something about it. I went out and bought the Look Better Naked six-week workout and diet book to help me get started. And it worked out great. Note to all the ladies out there: this plan worked really well for me and is easy to follow. Just sayin'.

Fast forward to now. I eat a really healthy diet of fruits and veggies and grains and proteins and all that good stuff, with the occasional splurge (to keep me sane). I workout 5-6 times a week and I've never felt stronger. I'm even started to enjoy running (umm...what?). I'm not sure how much weight I've lost since I've started this whole thing, mainly because I didn't weigh myself at the beginning. Instead of obsessing over the scale, I just focus on how I feel in my clothes. And right now, some of my clothes are getting kind of loose. Like the new designer jeans I recently bought. Which is annoying because I paid more than $10 for them. Urgh.

I was up this morning (and by morning I mean 3am) getting ready for work when I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing my (baggy) designer jeans and a tight black long-sleeve shirt. And I looked good. Like really damn good. I was so proud of myself. Go me!

Anywho...just thought I would share that little nugget.


Bagel Thin + PB + banana = easy and delicious.

You can't really see but I did a horrendous job at slicing my Bagel Thin in half. One half turned out super thick (as thick as a Bagel Thin could get) and the other was as thin as paper. Slicing fail.


Almonds with honey sugar sprinkled on top. It's the only way to eat almonds really.

Our director brought in goodies today, in the form of blueberry lemon coffee cake "muffins". I couldn't resist. I ate half a muffin at a time. So good. I want to bake now.


Lazy-Ass sandwich. I wasn't really feeling cooking something or having another salad. The hummus is so tasty.

Now to head home and maybe nap...may be not. I'm still trying to decide whether to go to my high school's playoff football game tonight. I know it's going to be fun and exciting, but it's also going to be cold and hard to see the game. Plus I kind of want to go to bed early so I can really reap the benefits of the end of Daylight Savings time. Love me that extra hour of night-night.

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