Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gotta Get Down on Tuesday!

Tuesdays are my new favorite day of the week? Why, you ask. Because Tuesdays are the last day of my work week. Essentially, my Friday.

It's the best.

And it's even better when it's such a lovely fall day outside.

Seriously, why can't it stay like this until June, or whenever our winter ends up here?


Waffle with almond butter and crushed raspberries on top. Side of milk.

It's like jam, but only one ingredient.


Grapes and cheese. Nothing to see here.


I had some of my left over TJ's butternut squash ravioli, which was still awesome the next day, and some spinach so I can at least say that I had a little bit of green in my diet.

Work was pretty good today. Lots of writing to be had. I boothed the 15/45 news segments again and I rocked them, like always.

I was even put in charge of writing a whole segment on my own, since my producer was busy taping a families segment for tomorrow's newscast. So basically the 12:45pm news break was all minezzzzz.

I even got complimented on my outfit today. I have to saw that my ensemble was definitely inspired by What Not to Wear.

I had my dark jean wide-leg trouser, the basic shirt with the texture (ruffles) and my completer piece. Sign my up for the show!

After work, I went on a run into Downtown to pick up some food at Asia Ginger Teriyaki, as part of my Seattle Restaurant Challenge.

The weather was gorgeous outside, and I was super jazzed to run in the city. I know I said that I hated running outside, but today I felt great. I wasn't dying and I wasn't cramping up. Although, I think it did help that I had to stop at cross walks a couple times, which helped me catch my breath a tiny bit.

Oh hai Macy's! I will run past you now.

Running in Downtown Seattle was fun, since I got to listen to the sounds of the city in one ear and listened to my "Beyonce/Mary J. Blige/Rihanna" Pandora station in the other. It was also awesome that 2nd Ave (aka the longest road on my trip) was a gradual decline. I felt like I was flying.

It took me about 23 minutes to run the 1.75 miles to Asia Ginger Teriyaki, which was on 2nd Ave in between Washington and Main. I'm sure I could have made it there faster if I didn't have to stop at the cross walks. I probably could have run through the cross walks, but I 1)didn't want to get cited for jay-walking, and 2)didn't want to get run over by a crazy Seattle driver/biker.

AGT (Asia Ginger Teriyaki) had good reviews on Urban Spoon, so I thought "Why not?" It looked cute and trendy on the outside.

And trendy-ish on the inside.

I went pretty typical and ordered the chicken teriyaki special with less rice and more salad. I mean, if a teriyaki place can't make chicken teriyaki then you know you're in trouble.

Of course, right after I paid, I saw that they had chicken katsu on the menu and I immediately kicked myself for not ordering it. Whatever, maybe next time.

While I was walking to the bus, I stumbled across this waterfall park, which according to it's plaque was honoring the United Parcel Service.

You know, just a waterfall in the middle of downtown.

King Street Station with CLink in the background.

I took the bus back to work to get my car and drive home. When I got home, I cleaned the kitchen like the good daughter than I am and waited for my mom to get home before having dinner.

The chicken was a little tough, but that might be because I waited like 3 hours before finally eating it. I also think that the chicken was cut thinner than the other teriyaki joints I've been to, and that would account for the chewy-ness.

But I enjoyed the run so much that I'm willing to try this place again. Maybe that time I'll actually remember to order the katsu.

Now to watch the US Men's National Team game (Go USA! Go Brek Shea!) and the some Daily Show, Colbert and Dancing...wit the STARSSSSSSS!!!

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