Friday, November 11, 2011

I Wish...

Since I'm back at work and am starting to form a pounding must be Friday. Hooray. But, it's Veterans' Day (Thanks Vets!) and 11/11/11! I can't think of a more appropriate day to dish out some wishes.

I normally wish for stuff whenever I find an eyelash on my cheek (which when you have long eyelashes like I do, happens quite frequently) and when I remember it's 11:11am. I normally wish for the usual stuff like "I wish to win the lottery," or "I wish for a really kind, handsome, and super-duper rich husband."

But since today is a special kind of wish day, I'm going wish for things in addition to all the superficial stuff. Here it goes:

I wish... win the lottery. marry a really kind, smart, handsome, super-rich man who may or may not be a professional soccer player (heavy emphasis on the "may"). stay healthy this winter and spring so I don't have to use up my very little amount of vacation time.

...that I finally get to go to Barcelona (where I will meet my rich, handsome, socer-playing husband obviously).

...that I get promoted to full-time soon.

...that I can stop spending almost all of my paycheck the second I get it.

...that I have a wonderful holiday season with my family.

...that I can keep up my healthy eating and workout schedule.

...that my mom's wacky boss gets what's coming to her. That woman is a detrement to my mom's mental stability.

...that there were always new episodes of my favorite TV shows.

...that the weather doesn't get too shitty this winter.

...that FC Barcelona wins La Liga, Copa Del Rey and Champions League this season.

...that Real Madrid totally sucks and one of Christiano Ronaldo's testicles burst (too harsh?).

...that I kept in better touch with my friends from college.

...that there was a slower speed on windshield wipers. Sometimes the slowest speed is just too fast.

...that brownie-covered peppermint Joe-Joes could be a part of any healthy living diet.

...that they find Sky the Missing Two-Year-Old safe and sound and get him away from his whack-job of a mom.

...for peace for all of the victim's of that sicko over at Penn State (don't even get me started on that!).

...that I can take gummy multi-vitamins without having the urgre to eat the entire jar in one sitting. Seriously, they are so addicting.

...that I liked mushrooms more.

...that the Sounders don't totally suck next year when we don't have Kasey Keller.

...for world peace.

That's about all I got so far. It seems like a pretty good wishlist to me. By the way, brownie-covered peppermint Joe-Joes have to be sent from Hey-Zoos himself because they are so damn divine. Damn you to whoever brought those into work. They're gonna put my pumpkin-banana muffins to shame.


Cookie Dough Cereal. Still doesn't taste like cookie dough. Still ate it.


Grapes and cheese. I spiced it up by getting Colby Jack cheese at the store. I'm living on the edge!!!


Mini pitas with hummus! Spinach salad with rasp/blackberries and blue cheese! Yeah...again with the un-motivatedness.

On a sad note, I just found out that my work is stopping their subsidizing of ORCA cards, basically the card I use to get around Seattle metro FO FREE! So now I'll have to pay to use the bus like everyone else.

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