Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Lazy Sunday (I mean Thursday) Part Deux

After I finished watching the Champions League game this afternoon, I took a trip to the grocery store to pick up some needed supplies (milk, body wash, non-spoiled spinach) and some not-so-need supplies (butterscotch chips anyone?). I always find the grocery store to be somewhat therapeutic. It's kind of like you're surrounded by all this food that give you endless meal possibilities. And the produce section is always fun. I like produce.

I also like the mini carts that they have at Albertson's now. They're perfect for the quick trip.

Whenever I get a bigger cart, I feel like I have to fill it, which is never good.

I came home and watched some Criminal Minds awesome-ness before settling down to watch MLS playoffs. Double-header baby!


For dinner, I whipped up some shrimp, whole-wheat spaghetti, zucchini, eggplant and tomato sauce. It wasn't amazing, but I was craving some pasta and shrimp.

After more sitting on the couch, I got hungry again. Hello Bagel Thin with peanut butter and butterscotch chips.

Mmmm mmmm good.

Now back to more soccer. Go Red Bulls. Beat LA!!!

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