Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday

Did everyone just have a fantastic Cyber Monday? Anyone get caught online shopping while at work? I hope not.

Well, Cyber Monday - the biggest online shopping day of the year - was a total bust for me. That's probably because I really had to clue what I was looking for. I went on Amazon to see what kind of hot deals they had going on, and nothing spoke to me.

Then I just kind of gave up.

I just don't have the desire, nor the patience to scope out online shopping deals. If that means I have to pay full price for holiday shit, so be it.

After work I went to the gym and ran a little over a mile (for Runner's World Holiday Running Streak) before doing some Body Pump. I decided that I was tired of being doughy all over, so I added some weight to my bar bell.

And now my arms a good way.


Since I ran out of broccoli, I decided to bake up some Brussels Sprouts. I used cooking spray instead of olive oil to cut the calories. Except the Sprouts didn't bake as much with the spray as they do with the olive oil, so they were a little aldente.

I served the crunchy Sprouts with left over pizza and lentils with banana on top. Yeah, that's right, I like banana with my lentils.

Now for some more relaxing and watching some Daily Show, Colbert, and possibly more Private Practice.

Only one more day until my weekend!

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