Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some Like It Hot

I did hot yoga for the first time this morning. Actually, it was the first time I had done any kind of yoga, hot or otherwise.

I decided today was the day to cash in my Living Social voucher for my 20 hot yoga classes. I didn't really have a lot of expectations. Going with the flow was on my agenda.

I was freezing my balls off when I walked into the yoga studio, so the big rush of hot air felt amazing. I'm one of those people that loves it really warm. I mean, I turn on my bedroom furnace during the summer. The hotter the better.

But after a couple of minutes, the 104 degree room was starting to make me feel a little clamy, but whatever. A little sweat never hurt anyone.

I should mention that our instructor was the basic epitome of of a yoga instructor: lean, toned, calm voice, hairy armpits (which wouldn't be so alarming if she weren't a chick). I felt like it really helped with my yoga experience.

Also, there was a guy on the right of my friend Holly who thought it was a great idea to take his shirt off. That would have been fine if he had a cut yoga body, but he didn't. His chest was a hairy as my yoga instructor's pits. Shit got real real quick.

We started the class with a breathing exercise to get the blood pumping or whatever. Every time we exhaled, some people would make these weird hissing noises. It was a little comical, and I tried my best not to ruin my zen by laughing.

The yoga was really working me. I'm not flexible in the least, but I was trying my best, which I guess is what really matters. Around the third-ish pose, we had to bend down to tuck our hands underneath our heels. I looked down at my legs and they were drenched in sweat. And that was only at the third pose. I still had 23 more poses to go. I was only going to sweat more profusely as the class went on. I wonder how much sweat gets dripped out during a 90 minute session.

Some of the poses were easy, like the one where all we did was lay on our backs for 2 minutes. Then there some that literally had my entire body shaking. Either way, I'm glad that I could feel the intense workout I was getting.

After class was over and I walked out of the studio, the cooler air felt amazing. But the I realized that I had soaked through my workout top and shorts, and all that cool air made me so cold. Sweat suit please!

Holly and I booked it to a thai place in Redmond so we could get some foods and water. Lots of water. The place we went to was called Typhoon, and it was amazing. Both of us ordered the Pad Thai, and it was probably the best pad thai I've ever had.

I was a little uncomfortable in the restaurant since Holly and I were literally dressed in sweat pants and pajamas while every one else in there was on their lunch break. But hey, I'm pretty sure that they didn't do an intense hot yoga session before eating.

I'm definitely planning on going back tomorrow for another session. Now I plan on spending the rest of my day drinking water until it comes out of my ears. Chug, chug, chug!

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