Saturday, November 12, 2011

Inappropriate Ramen

So, at like 5:45 this morning, the strangest smell wafted upon my nostrils.

Was it garlic? Maybe. Whatever it was, it was something that I should not have been smelling that early in the morning.

Then I realized that it was Ramen or some kind of Cup O' Noodles. My director heated it up and was eating it.

I like ramen as much as the next person (love me some sodium on sodium), but 5 in the morning is just too early for that stuff. That's just gross. Too many preservatives.


I brought a PB waffle to work and put some sliced banana on top. There was a side of Greek yogurt and some berries and wheat germ. Hearty hearty hearty.




Leftovers from the mac and cheese I made the other night. Yum.


I forgot to mention yesterday that my 2pm show producer let me booth the last 3 blocks of the show. It was pretty exciting to be in control of something that was longer than 90 seconds. The only snag was that we barely managed to fit the show in on time. The anchor had to shorten the good-bye.

That probably wouldn't have been an issue if I had taken out a sentence here or a sentence there, but I'm just a little fuzzy with the whole back-timing thing. It involves a lot of adding and subtracting, and since I haven't done any kind of math since high school, I'm a bit rusty.

Hopefully, I'll get more opportunities to booth the 30 minute shows some more so I can get more experience.

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