Friday, November 4, 2011

Will Run for Fro Yo

I had such a blah day at work. I couldn't really get my head around any of the stories that I was writing about, which is frustrating. I now that as a news writer, I should be able to write about anything, but when a story doesn't resonate with you, it makes writing it a bitch and a half. Hopefully I won't have to write anything more about "National Bank Transfer Day" or whatever.
One thing that pepped me up a little bit towards the end of my shift was a picture of frozen yogurt that I saw on one of the blogs I read. It looked so good and yummy and frozen that I knew I had to indulge in some.

Back when I was in college and living Southern California (like it was that long ago), I was all about the fro yo. There was a Menchie's (if you don't know what Menchie's is you are seriously missing out on one of the true wonders of life) about five minutes from my apartment, and I would go there as often as I could. So many good flavors (red velvet cake anyone?), so many good toppings. Thank the good Lord above that there is one in Queen Anne.

Anyway, I could not wait to get my hands of some fro yo at TCBY - Woodinville's only fro yo option. But first, I needed to sweat a little bit.


When I got to the gym, I was itching to get on the treadmill and run some. Wait, me...wanting to run. This is completely unheard of. Does this make me a runner now? Hmmm, probably not...for now. I walked some, ran two miles, then walked some more. Just killing some time before my Body Pump class. The two miles went fairly smoothly. I felt good and add speed when I was feeling strong. There was still a bit of discomfort in regards to some trapped air in my stomach (or gas, whatever), but I powered through. I really wanted some fro yo.

Next was Body Pump. It was brutal...probably because I had properly sweated on the treadmill beforehand but still. Thank God I had a banana, or else I would have collapsed. On the bright side, I did manage to get through the tricep section without having to stop more than once.


After the gym and stopping to get fro yo, I made the quickest (and therefore laziest) dinner ever. A bean burger with broccoli and cauliflower, all of which I heated in the microwave. I am Iron Chef.

Regardless, I scarfed it down. Me so hungry fo beanz.

Fro Yo

After waiting about, oh, five minutes I was ready to dig in to the treat that I had waited all day to devour. I mixed cookies and cream fro yo with mango sherbert (odd, I know) and then piled on the assortment of fruit. I figured that it would be way healthier if I filled the bowl with tons of fruit. That way I wouldn't feel so bad when I topped it off when mocchi and heath bar bits.

I needed that fro yo. Now I feel completely re-energized to go into work early tomorrow morning. Maybe this will become a new Friday tradition. I mean, I got a rewards card. Why not get rewarded?

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