Saturday, November 26, 2011

Back to the Grind

My three-day weekend is over. Sad face. It was nice and relaxing and I got to spend some quality time with my family.

But now it's back to work, albeit a four-day work week.

I got up bright and early at 2:30 (definitely early and definitely not bright) and went on my merry way to work. The 5am show went pretty good, aside from our anchor not showing up and our weather gal having to do the show. But other than that it was great!

After the show I went down to our SLG (sad little gym) in the building to do some treadmill stuff for my Runner's World Holiday Streak. This was all at 5:40 in the morning mind you. Running that early is something that I never do. But, you know. Whatever. It went fine.

I tried not to be super smelly when I came back up to work. At least the run warmed me up enough that I didn't need to wrap myself in a snuggie like a homeless person.


I toasted up a bagel thin and slathered on some peanut butter and topped with bananas. There were some strawberries left over from some kind of Thanksgiving celebration at work, so I had some of those too.

Nom nom breakfast.

There was more writing to be done for the 11am show. A little house fire here, a little DUI patrols there. All in a morning's work.


Creme Brulee almonds. Yeah sugar!


I kept going back and forth whether I wanted to eat my packed lunch at work or wait and then go have lunch with my mom, but my stomach won out. I was too damn hungry to wait until noon to eat.

I had a butter lettuce salad with some left over Thanksgiving turkey (yum yum) and some tropical fruit that I got at Trader Joe's last night. So good!

The Brussels Sprouts were good too.

After work I came home and my mom and I went for some pedicures. Pedicures that were very much needed.

Then after running some errands we stopped at the grocery store to pick up some supplies to tonight's Apple Cup. And the best thing happened to me: I found some Black Arkansas apples. They're a special species of apple that may or may not be grown in Arkansas. I'm guessing not. I used to get them all the time at Maddy's Market in Calabasas when I lived down there. They're not as good as Rome apples, but they're still pretty damn good.

So 4:30pm rolls around and my parents and I are down and ready to watch the Apple Cup. The internetz says the game in on Versus, so we search for the channel. We find it...only to find out that Versus is not a part of our DirecTv subscription. Awesome! It's not like I've been waiting all year to watch this game.

So now I have to rely on twitter to tell me how the game is going. I'm going to be a nervous wreck. The Huskies need to beat Washington State or I will literally not hear the end of it until next year. I work with way to many Cougs. Fingers crossed!

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