Saturday, November 5, 2011

Christmas in November

Usually I'm not one to condone the celebration of Christmastime to commence before Thanksgiving. I mean, the time between Halloween and Black Friday should be reserved for turkeys and pilgrims and pumpkin pie, right?

I remember when I was studying in London, and the city put on a Christmas parade on November 1st...with Santa and everything. This got me really upset because as a girl growing up in Seattle, I didn't celebrate Christmas until Nordstroms told me to. And that was always the day after Thanksgiving. Although...looking back, I guess the English don't have to wait until the day after Thanksgiving because they don't even celebrate Thanksgiving.

Regardless, November 1st is just too early to start gearing up for Kris Kringle and all that crap. I want to be excited when Christmas comes around and not feeling all, "'s about time it got here. I've been getting ready for it for the last 60 days."

I also think that living in Southern California for the last few years didn't help matters much. It's kind of hard to get in the holiday spirit when it's 75 degrees outside. I'm sorry, I can't be listening to Winter Wonderland while I'm outside getting a tan (I know, wah wah woe is me).

Well...this year I'm ready for a change. I am more than ready to start the Christmas planning now. No offense to Thanksgiving and all, but Christmas is where is ish is at. Bring on the Santas, bring on the tinsel, bring on the holly, bring on the Starbucks red holiday cups! I want it all! I'm pretty sure I feel this way because I'm actually home for all the holiday prep. I'm not just bopping in for a couple days and then peacing out to Cali. Plus it's effing freezing outside and if it's that cold then I better be sipping a (skinny) Peppermint Mocha!

My mom and I were getting our holiday on by going to some of the local holiday crafts fairs. The first one we went to was at the Hollywood School House, just a quick jaunt from our house. It was very holiday-y.

One of our favorite crafts were the cupcake pin cushions. So adorable. I escpecially liked the Husky-colored one.

It looked like someone at the fair had a naughty sense of humor. Me likey.

We did get this big Santa figure thing. I'm amused by it's tiny head and humungous body.

After the Hollywood School House we drove down to Woodmoor elementary to hit up their fair. It was...okay. I'm not sure I was paying attention to many of the booths because I was so effing tired. That's what happens when you get up at 2:30 in the morning. You become drowsy around noon.

When we got back home I took a nap. I dosed off around 3:30-ish and didn't wake up until about 6:45. When I woke up it was so dark outside that I thought that I was getting up to get ready for work...which usually doesn't happen until 3:30 in the morning. I was that disoriented. Thank God I didn't have to go to work because I was starving.


I made a spinach salad with the Trader Joe's mango chicken sausage with some mango and blue cheese. It was yum to the power of yum (that's a Calculus term, look it up). The mango on mango was totally the way to go. And blue cheese is delicious even if it is blue.

My parents and I watched the second half of the LSU-Alabama game, aka the "Game of the Century" since LSU was ranked number one and Alabama was ranked number two. ESPN and basically every other sports anyone was jizzing themselves over how great this game was going to be. A real barn-burner.

Yeah, when I came downstairs, the score was 3-3. What. The. Hell. Some Game of the Century. Not even the Game of Right Now. The game ended 9-6 LSU. So pathetic. The biggest game of the year and the only people who score are the kickers. This is what happens when there's no soccer on TV to watch. I never thought I would say that I miss the MLS.

After watching the most over-rated college football game in the history of anything, it was time to watch the UW Huskies get their asses kicked by the Oregon Ducks.

Let me make one thing clear, I despise Oregon almost as much as I despise Washington State (keyword being "almost"). I can't think of a more annoying and dick-ish university. They're all a bunch of a-holes. The only problem is they have a really good football team, which really chaps my ass.

I didn't have high expectations of the Huskies going into the game. I knew they were going to lose. I was just hoping they would embarrass themselves ala Stanford game-style. Well...other than some unfortunately timed interceptions and some bad tackling on special teams, the Huskies didn't do too bad. They only lost 34-17, which I see as kind of a moral victory. The bright side of the game is that at the end of the day, Oregon people have to go back to Eugene while all the UW fans get to stay in breathtaking Seattle. There's really no comparison whatsoever. Eugene doesn't even compare to Tacoma, really.

Bedtime...and can I get a woohoo for the end of Daylight Savings Time.

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