Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Shave November

Happy Beginning of November. It's hard to believe that another month has gone by. They seem to go by quicker than the last. You know it's getting to be winter when the windshield of your car is frosted over. That was an unwelcomed surprise.

November makes me happy for a lot of reasons: Thanksgiving, radio stations start playing Christmas music, Thanksgiving, red holiday cups at Starbuck, Thanksgiving. However, November has also become one of my most-dreaded months because of one silly celebration: No Shave November.

I don't like beards...at all. In fact, I don't like much facial hair (unless it's a really sexy 5 o'clock shadow thing, then it's okay). So when November rolls around, I know that there are tons of men out there just itching to not have to pick up their razors and grow there facial hair out to the point that they start looking like hobos.

I just don't get it. It doesn't look good, it's got to be itchy or hot or something, and it just doesn't look good. Why does every man feel that they have to grow a beard? Are you any less of a man if you don't? Can some male out there please explain this phenomenon to me, because it's totally over my head.


I finished up my half a grapefruit before it had time to go bad. It went great with my whole grain toast with almond butter and honey.

And I didn't char the grapefruit. Don't worry, the brown part is cinnamon.


Almonds. I didn't have a lot of time to pack my lunch this morning.

It was a slow Tuesday (or Friday for me) at work. Since they changed the schedule of the other news writer to come in on the same days as me, there's less stories for me to write for the 2pm show. I always ask my producer if she needs me to write anything else, but she says that she has it covered. I can't wait for the time when I get more responsibility at my job.

I did get to booth some news break segments again, so that was cool.


Leftover chicken fajitas with veggies and Mexican rice over a bed of (kind of old) spinach. Mexican rice on top of salad = huge win!

It kind of reminded me of the tostada salads I would get at Sharky's down in Calabasas, expect for the lack of black beans, cheese, and tortilla. And the fact that it was way more fatty and delicious.

I think someone needs to stop at the store and get more produce. Why can't their be a Trader Joe's right next to me?

Now off to the gym for another treadmill workout. Hopefully my stomach will cooperate better this time so I could maybe run a couple miles.

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