Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Missed Tom Brokaw

Today was one of my days off. It was a lazy, yet not lazy day.


I got up and thought it would be a great idea to make some protein pancakes. I mixed up all the pancake shizz and poured half the batter into the skillet.

When I went to flip it, pretty much all of the pancake was stuck to the skillet. I eventually managed to flip the pancake, but it fell apart into pieces. Pancake flipping fail.

The second pancake turned out a bit more normal. I mixed the abby-normal pancake with some yogurt and called it a day.

After watching some What Not to Wear and the rest of a Private Practice episode, I went to the gym and ran for 3.25 miles on the treadmill. That's all pretty impressive until I tell you that I walked for 5 minutes between miles. But whatever.

I just wished I could start running without immediately getting a side stitch. Those things are a pain in the ass (or side).

After the gym I came back home and thought it would be a great idea to clean my room, because it was pretty effing messy. Now, it is no longer messy...for now.


I was really stumped on what to have for lunch, so I just heated up some left over mandarin orange chicken and put it on some butter lettuce.

And the chicken was still so tender. It's like a miracle. Thank you TJ's.

Around 2:45 my uncle dropped off my cousin Maddie so the two of us could go to our 4:30 hot yoga class. The two of us chilled at the kitchen table, Maddie doing math homework and I watching even more Private Practive.

We headed out to hot yoga, but first we had to stop by my mom's office and drive her to the car dealership to pick up her newly maintained car.

Hot yoga seemed to go even faster today, which I like. I'm getting better at some of the poses, and I am so close to touching my toes. 5 classes down...15 more to go.


After yoga I was starrrrrving, and I thought it was a perfect time to pick up some Matsu Teriyaki chicken. I slapped some of the chicken and rice and teriyaki sauce on some butter lettuce and called it awesome.

I scarfed it down, and watched some Jeopardy! (because I've turned into an old man) and even more Private Practice (because I love Addison Montgomery's wardrobe).


So...apparently today at work (of which I was not at), we had our quarterly town hall meeting. And apparently Tom Brokaw decided to stop on by. You know, no big deal or anything.

And of course I was not there. Tom Brokaw sighting fail!

I had another celebrity sighting fail a couple of weeks ago. Rainn Wilson of The Office was also in our newsroom to do an interview, and OF COURSE it was on one of my day's off.

Seriously important NWCN people, can you at least book the celebrities for when I'm actually in the newsroom.

Although I did get to see Kathie Lee Gifford once. Though that was about as uncool as it sounds. And she was a plastered as you would think too.

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