Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Not to Wear

One of my favorite shows is What Not to Wear on TLC (aka the network of cake shows and religious whack jobs). If you haven't watched the show (shame on you!), here's the dealy-oh: Two fashion stylists go around the country updating the wardrobes of people who either have frumpy/dumpy/age-inappropriate style, thanks to a $5000 shopping spree in New York City. The show is basically awesome, and it offers a lot of style tips for everyone...not just the person being made-over on the show. I watch two episodes everyday, and it never gets old.

But something that really bugs me about the show is that some of the people that get chosen to be made-over can be either so oblivious/diluted or they can be extremely ungrateful for the opportunity to get a better wardrobe, and consequen
tly (at least I think so), a better life. I mean, come on people! You're on the show for a reason, and that reason is because you dress like shit. So take the time to be happy that you're getting a second chance at being fashionable and sexy and confident. Seesh! Also, I had this master plan that I would dress really crappy so that someone could nominate me for What Not to Wear and then I could go to New York and get the $5000 shopping spree. Who wouldn't want that?


Last Night's Dinner After yesterday's disastrous lunch at Cheesecake Factory, I was craving nutrients like there was no tomorrow. I had some Brussels sprouts that I wanted to put into good use, so I roasted them with some olive oil, salt and pepper.

I've never really had Brussels sprouts before (at least from what I can remember) and I was a little put off by the fact they kind of look like little tiny, green cerebellums. But they were delicious! It may be my new favorite veggie...or cabbage...or whatever.
My Brussels were accompanied by more fruits and veggies like broccoli and grapes.

There were some mini pitas (I know they're mini!) and hummus. So healthy, so cleansing, so what I needed.

Bagel Thin, almond butter, crushed raspberries and blackberries and a glass of milk. Pretty simple, but it totally fueled me up for my spin class this morning.

Speaking of that spin class, it totally kicked my a good way. I'm getting stronger on the bike, but there are some of the hills (like 7 minutes out of the saddle...aack!) that still kill me.
I thought I was going to dog it the last five minutes of the workout because I was so spent. But the Lady Gaga came on the stereo and that little bitch gave me to oomph to push through until the end. Put your paws up, baby!

I tried to run the on the treadmill after, but my legs were so dead that I could only run a mile.

After visiting with my aunt, I came home to put some of my old t-shirts and sweatshirts into some bins. Going through all the drawers, I couldn't believe all of the t-shirts I have accumulated over the years. I had shirts from soccer tournaments, softball tournaments, concerts, high school events, college events, travel was ridiculous. I ended up filling three 18-gallon tubs with t-shirts.

I feel like I should donate all that stuff, but I'm pretty sure some kid from Africa doesn't want to be walking around with a t-shirt that has a big "BARRERA" on the back of it.

On the bright side, I did find the Bayern Munich jersey that my uncle got me when he and my aunt when to Germany like 10 years ago. A
nd it fits! So now if my boy Brek Shea ends up playing for Bayern, I already have a jersey! Hot dog!


I didn't have lunch until about 2:15, so I didn't really want anything heavy. Spinach salad with chicken sausage, blue cheese and balsamic vinaigrette.

Woohoo for baking! I made another batch of the Trader Joe's pumpkin muffins with Greek yogurt and pumpkin puree instead of those fatty oil and eggs. Another reason for why you should switch your oil and eggs with yogurt: you can eat the batter without having to worry about getting salmonella. Sounds good to me!

I also threw in some mashed banana because I'm the boss and I said so.

I'm really excited to make dinner tonight. It's a recipe from Women's Health Magazine for Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese. I mean, butternut squash...good. Mac...good. Cheese...good. Beef...GOOOOOD! Sorry, Friends reference there.

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