Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm Kind of Obsessed...

...with hot yoga.

I went back for my second class this morning and it felt amazing. I think I started sweating even earlier than I did yesterday. My legs were already soaked when we started the breathing exercises at the beginning of class.

I had a different instructor from yesterday. This one was pregnant, but at least didn't have unsavory arm-pit hair. I wondered during class whether it was healthy for her to be in an extremely hot and stuffy (and stinky) while there is a person growing inside of her. I'm sure she talked to a doctor about it, right?

It was a little sickening that our instructor was five or six months pregnant and still had a better body than me. I might even go as far to say that she was probably the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever seen, and I've seen Beyonce!

The class went by so quickly. It felt like I got in there and was done in a flash. One big, sweaty flash. But no matter how fast the class seemed to have gone, my muscles still felt incredible.

However, this is what I find really frustrating about hot yoga: At the end of the 90 minute session, my muscles feel so loose and pliable that I feel like I can go out run for an hour. But I know that my body is so depleted so water and nutrients (because I sweated them out for 90 minutes), that I could probably run five minutes and then die.

But since I'm working out about 600 calories during yoga, I think that I can probably skip the running.

After yoga my body was begging for a Jamba Juice. The fruits, the coldness, the use of a straw. It was the perfect lunch and totally refreshed me after being in a 104 degree sweat room for an hour and a half.


I know...a little out of order. I fueled myself with some Cookie Dough Cereal. I guess my problem with cookie dough cereal is that the recipe never really specified what kind of cookie dough it was supposed to taste like. Maybe it's supposed to taste like Peanut Butter Cookie dough instead of just regular cookie dough. That would make some sense.


After getting home from my afternoon haircut (which I really desperately needed), I devoured a tortilla with red pepper hummus and turkey. Tots hit the spot.

Meanwhile, I'm drinking water like it's my job.

Since Thursday is apparently "Bake Day" in the Barrera household, I baked up some mini Gingerbread muffins (using Greek yogurt of course).

And the were delicious, naturally. And so mini!

I should also mention that I got the new issue of Women's Health Magazine. Best day of the month! In case you couldn't tell, I'm slightly obsessed with this magazine.

Woohoo for baking! And yoga! And haircuts!

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