Sunday, November 13, 2011

Spiders Are Scary. Period.

Let's work chronologically before we get to my scary, nasty spider encounter.

I did manage to go to the gym and workout on the treadmill. My stomach didn't feel as bad after my fajita salad as I thought it would. I did my 45-minute walking treadmill workout. There was a guy on the treadmill next to me who was 4 mph. Sorry bud, but I'm walking faster than you are jogging right now. And quit staring at my TV screen! You have your own!

After walking my stomach felt good enough to do some running. I ran a mile at a pretty comfortable pace (I'm glad that my "comfortable paces" are now becoming faster). I could have run more if my time didn't run out on my treadmill and if my stomach didn't start feeling wonky again.

So I went home.

My parents had cleaned out the coat closet by our front door and they wanted me to try some coats on to see if we should keep them. I ended up finding some coats in there that I had forgot the lime green puffy that I got when (I shit you not) I was 12. And the best part was it still fit!

They made me try on this "rubber coat" (a coat that felt really rubbery and shit). None of us could remember whose coat it was. We figured that someone came to our house for a get together or something and forgot it.

I tried it on and it fit. Too bad it was ugly as eff though. I took it off and put it in the "Coats to Peru" pile. I looked down on my shirt and noticed (and I SHIT YOU NOT!!!) the hugest spider ever...just chilling on my shirt. Obviously it came from the jacket and OBVIOUSLY I freaked out! It had the biggest spider butt I had even seen! I swatted it to the ground and squealed more. My mom came to my rescue because she thought I was dying.

I wasn't...but that spider was about to. However, the spider wasn't going to meet its spider maker in the sky by my hands. I have this weird thing about killing bugs, especially spiders. It's not because I'm all "PETA" and care about the welfare of those pesky arachnids. I just don't like the feeling (and the knowledge) of the spider being squished in my paper towel. It's just too...gross. That's why I always resort to killing them via vacuum cleaner. It's pretty least for me.

However, I had my mom kill the spider this time. I'm such a big girl! Regardless, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. That mother-effer was huge as eff!


My mom made some of her Winter Veggie soup again...and it was divine.

Hell yes I had seconds! Hell yes I'm bringing some to work tomorrow.

After becoming extremely bored by the Sunday Night Football game (What happened to me? I used to like watching football!), we decided to watch the Rick Steves' Europe DVD that had the Barcelona episode on it. Basically watching Mister Steves talk about Barca made me want to go their, like, yesterday.

I need to get to Barcelona as if my life depended on it. It's that important. Walk the Ramblas, shop at the Boqueria, see a game at Camp Nou, run along the's gotta happen and it's gotta happen now!

Good Wife.


Trivia: Which European country has a population of 1,000 and has a birth rate of zero???

Answer: Vatican City! Get it, because the cardinals can't have kids. That would be ridiculous!

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