Friday, November 4, 2011

Oh Hey It's Pay Day!

Getting paid real monies always puts a spring in my step. So much spring, in fact, that I decided to make French toast for breakfast. Oui oui!!! It was tre delicious.

I got to work and went straight to a Tease Writing Workshop. High five for learning more about producing! While I was waiting for our News Director to hook up the projector to his computer I thought, "How come I never learned anything about tease writing at Pepperdine? That would make too much sense, right?" Sometimes I wonder about the education I got. At least I got to spend a year in London (bright side).

Our ND was giving us some pretty helpful tips on writing teases. You know, SELL the story, don't TELL the story! He's all about the rhyming. Then he gave us some fake stories so that we could practice writing some ear-catching teases (because in television we write for the ear, people!). That's when I realize that I am a terrible tease writer. Well...maybe not terrible, but it's definitely something that I need to work on. Maybe there are some tease writing workbooks out there that can help me practice.


After the workshop I gobbled up some grapes and cheese. I'm back on a red grape kick. Why are they so much better than other varities of grapes. So sweet, so juicy, so grape-y.

Cheese is yummy too.

As I'm writing my stories about Occupy Fill-in-the-Blank town and the pitfalls of switching to credit unions, I started to develop a monster headache. I don't know what's going on, but I always seem to develop a headache every Friday. Why are you doing this to me, head?


Lunch honestly could not have come soon enough. It was a (brand new!) spinach salad with shrimp, mango, zucchini, eggplant, and balsamic viniagrette.

Now that I'm typing this, I'm wondering why I didn't put any basmati rice on my salad. Fail.

A bunch of my co-workers had the cafeteria's BBQ pulled pork sandwich with onion rings. It didn't look completely amazing and appetizing at all (sarcasm). At least my shrimp salad won't give me heart burn. Neener neener neener!

The beginning of my work week is coming to a close and I am off to the gym to run on the treadmill some and then pump my body with some Body Pump (see what I did there?).

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