Sunday, November 6, 2011

Saved By Daylight Saving Time

I can't think of a better day than the end of Daylight Saving Time (which btdubs it's not "Daylight Savingssss Time", as I just found out at work). I mean, there's no other day where you get an extra hour of sleep. I'm pretty sure Santa doesn't bring extra sleepy time down the chimney on Christmas, unless he does then that would be awesome.

It was an absolute dream to get my extra hour of sleep time, especially when I had to get up at 3:30am (or was it 4:30am? hmmmm). I can't believe I just wished that I could sleep in until 4:30 in the morning.

However, it was cold as eff this morning. It was freezing. Literally. It was 31 degrees this morning. There was some definite ice-scraping happening in my driveway.


I was so pumped to dig into my protein pancakes this morning. I made them last night (hell no would I make pancakes at 4am) and mixed in some pumpkin to make them all festive and whatnot.

And they were delicious...just like I expected. So pancake-y


Normally I would have a snack, but the protein pancakes kept me full until lunch. When I was making my lunch yesterday, nothing really sounded appetizing nor sounded like something I wanted to eat before working out. So I just settle for an Apple Pie flavored Larabar and a handful of red grapes.

The bar said it was "Apple Pie" flavor, but I'm not ready to heat it up in the micro and serve it a la mode. It was apple-y and adequate. It wasn't as chalky as some protein bars can be, so that was awesome.

After we did our 10am show, the morning news crew decided to do a little team bonding in the form of XBOX Kinect Sports. Yeah, I bet you don't play Kinect Sports while at work. Or maybe you do I-don't-know-your-life. I've played Kinect Sports once before and I totally owned it, so I was going in pretty confident. Our audio/camera guy has played it before, obviously, since it was his game that he brought in. My producer and director had never played before, so we let them have the first go-round at Kinect Boxing.

It was pretty amusing to watch them "box". It pretty much looked like they were slapping the air. My director won by TKO in an otherwise really sad fight. Afterwards, the four of us played Kinect Bowling. I'm pretty much an expert at Kinect Bowling, like, PBA style. I started out a little slow, a spare here, a spare there. Then I started getting really hot. I got a turkey at one point (that's three strikes in a row for you non-bowlers). Peeps were impressed.

My producer was one of those people that was all, "Oh, I've never played this before. I'm probably going to suck." False. She was getting as many strikes as I was. We ended up finishing neck and neck, but I beat her by three points. Holla! I rule at fake bowling. As of now, I am the Queen of morning news Kinect bowling.

Even though I may have totally kicked ass at bowling, it was still awesome to build camaraderie amongst us morning people. We usually just sit at our desks at chill amongst ourselves, but it was cool to get up and laugh with (or at) each other.


After work I went to the gym and was on the treadmill for an hour. 50 minutes walking and 10 minutes running. By the time I got to the running, I was pretty spent. I guess my lunch of Larabar and grapes were not as substantial as I thought. Or maybe I used all the calories playing Kinect bowling (doubtful).

Post-Workout Snack

I hurried home and chugged down this Apple Crisp Smoothie. I made it on Thursday and was just now getting around to drinking it.

It actually did taste like an apple crisp. Definitely a keeper.

Apple Crisp Smoothie:

1 medium apple
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup vanilla soy milk
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp. maple syrup
3 or 4 ice cubes

1. Slice apple into small pieces and add to microwave-safe bowl.

2. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon and microwave for 90 seconds.

3. Once apples are finished cooking, add them and the remaining ingredients to a blender. Blend until smooth.

Now to curl up on the couch and watch MLS playoffs. Oh MLS, how I missed you yesterday.

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