Monday, November 14, 2011

iPhone 4S dreams

I decided yesterday that I am for sure getting myself the new iPhone 4S. It's gone from a matter of "if" to a matter of "when."

My dad says that I have a perfectly good iPhone 3G, but I just want more.

Basically, I want Siri.

I mean, it's a phone...that talks back to you. It tells you the weather, it tells you your schedule, it will tell you that you look pretty if you asked. I'd probably spend all my free time asking the phone really weird questions just to see what it says.

The price is a little lofty. $199 for an 8GB. But do I really need more than 8GB? My iPhone 3G is 16GB, and I've probably filled a third of it, if that.

Plus I came across a check for $50 from my graduation that I thought I had deposited AND a $50 Apple gift card that I got for graduation. That's puts me halfway to getting the phone. Now I just need to wait until after Christmas (when I will be getting more money) to get my new best friend...I mean, phone.

I can wait that long right?


Yesterday's Workout

I got to the gym with enough time to run a couple miles before my Body Pump class. And I gotta say, my two mile run was really enjoyable. In fact, I probably could have run more if I didn't have a class to go to. I felt nice and relaxed and not out of breath, even when I kept increasing the speed every few minutes.

Body Pump was a bit rough. I accidentally added a little more weight to my routine. And by "accidentally" I mean that I forgot what how much weight I normally used and I ended up using too much.

The extra 2 kilos were okay during the warm up, legs and back section, but the arms were a different story. For triceps, instead of using the barbell, we did dips, extensions and tricep push-ups. My poor little triceps were screaming out in pain. But no pain, no gain...bitches.


I wasn't feeling very leftover soupy today since I had it for lunch, so I whipped up some Trader Joe's Butternut Squash Triagnoli (let's just call it triangle ravioli) with parmesan and oregano stuff on top. So good. Yummy yummy yummy!

I still wasn't completely full from dinner, so I quickly threw together and baked up some Kale Chips.

These are quickly becoming my favorite kind of chip. Trader Joe's sells bag of kale that are already shredded and dried, which makes making these chips so much easier.

Kale Chips
  • 2 cups fresh kale leaves
  • Olive oil nonstick spray
  • Dash salt, or more to taste
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Place kale leaves on a baking sheet sprayed with olive oil nonstick spray.

Spritz leaves with the nonstick spray and sprinkle with salt.

Bake in the oven until crispy, 5 - 8 minutes, for a potato-chip-like snack.

If you like, season to taste with additional salt. Eat up!


You're welcome.

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