Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Have Some News!

Sorry that I haven't blogged since Wednesday, but to be honest, I didn't really do much on Thursday (aside from working out and watching Private Practice) and I was home for about 5 minutes yesterday.

Regardless of my lazy blogging, the last 24 hours have been pretty exciting.

Basically, I found out yesterday that I was getting promoted to a full-time writing position!!! How freaking awesome is that?!?! I couldn't be more pumped.

Here's how the promotion went down:

I've been working at NWCN for almost five months, and for the last weeks, I have been having some one-on-one meetings with my executive producer Jenna about how things are going and how I'm liking working there.

Yesterday, she asked if I had a second to chat and I said yes, obviously. We went into one of the back offices to sit. However, one thing that was different about this meeting was that our senior EP Dick was joining us. That can either mean a good thing or a very bad thing (like getting your ass canned). The two of them assured me that this meeting was a good thing.

That's when Jenna pretty much blurted out that they wanted to promote me to a full-time writer....which I totally accepted. She had told me about a week ago that something was going to change with my schedule within the coming month, so this promotion really didn't come as that big of a surprise to me. But it was still awesome to get a full-time position after only working there for nearly five months.

Dick and Jenna also told me that some of my colleague were also getting promotions/their schedules changed. They said the reason for that was so that we could focus on the busy presidential election year that was approaching. I didn't really care what their reasoning was. I was just thrilled to get a fill-time job.

In addition to getting more hours, I'm also getting a new schedule. And the best part of it is I won't have to be working on the weekend early mornings anymore!!!

Wait, I didn't mean to sound that excited. I will miss my early morning peeps, but I'm a night owl at heart. Having to get up at 2:30 in the morning on a Saturday is not really my favorite thing in the whole world.

Starting December 12th, my new schedule is Saturday through Wednesday, so I still work on the weekends. On Saturday and Sunday I work 3-11pm, which is slightly problematic because that means I won't be able to go to any Sounders games on the weekend.

On Monday through Wednesday, I'll work noon to 8pm, which is pretty boss. I like that I won't be hitting any traffic on my way to work. Win!

The best part of this whole thing is that on Mondays and Tuesdays, I'll be the sole 15/45 producer for the afternoon. That means I'll be selecting the stories, writing them, and boothing the segments...all by myself. Huzzah for more responsibilities!

Another awesome thing about my new work schedule is that I'll be in the newsroom at the same time as the sports department. It's going to be really great to get to know them and show them that I am pretty super knowledgeable when it comes to sports. That, and I can help Andrea Nakano on some of her Spanish pronunciation. It's AL-va-ro, not al-VA-ro.

Maybe they'll even let me help on the Sounders FC Weekly show, which is only, like, my dream.

Perhaps the one drawback is that now my holiday schedule is a bit different. Now I have to work later on Christmas Eve and instead of having Christmas off, I have to work 6am-2pm. But hey, I'd rather work on Christmas and have a full-time job than not.


The day only got better after hearing of my promotion. My EPs had me produce the 15/45 segments of the day, which was awesome. They all went without a hitch, because I'm great like that.

Everyone told me congratulations about my promotion, which was really nice. I'm so glad that I work with people who are not douche bags. That would not make life very exciting.

When I got off work at 2:30, I went to Pike Place Market to meet my mom, who had the afternoon off. Our plan was to attend the Figgy Puddy Street Corner Caroling Competition at Westlake Center at 6pm, but we were going to do some walking around and shopping until then.

I had to do a photo with the famous flying fish booth that is always featured in b-roll of the city whenever a sporting event is in town. I find that extremely annoying. There's more to Seattle than the damn flying fish!

We tooled around the Market for a while. We went down below the ground level, which I had never been to before, and looked at the shops.

Here I am with Santa Pig.

There was this really cool novelty shop of sorts in the lower levels that had a bunch of comic book, sci-fi, pop culture knick-knacks. I was pretty much drawn to the store because they had a lot of Dr. Who memorabilia (don't dad's the fan, not me) and I found a really amusing Christmas present for my dad. If I ever need to find a gift for a slightly geeky friend of mine, I know where to shop.

Reindeer Pigs!

Once we were done with the Market, my mom and I went to the Westlake Center food court to drink some Starbucks and do some people-watching (our favorite past-time). I had an iced non-fat Pumpkin Spice latte with no whip and munched on apple slices and peanut butter.

We people watched and talked with my grandma for a bit, and then we ventured out to do some window shopping. I wasn't planning on getting anything, but we went to Nordstroms and that philosophy went to hell. My mom ended up buying my a pink blazer (it's way classier than it sounds) and two cute flowy tops. Thanks mommy!

Then it was out to the Great Figgy Pudding!

The weather was fantastic, clear and brisk. We walked around and tried to listen to all the carolers.

I gotta be honest though, it was kind of hard to hear the people singing. There were just so many people milling around and talking, plus the other groups singing, that you couldn't really pick up which songs they were doing.

Another thing that was really annoying was the damn Salvation Army bell people. I understand that they are collecting money for a good cause and all, but the incessant bell ringing makes it really hard to hear a high school choir. Just saying.

We listened to a few of the carolers (some were better than others) and then went to the most ginormous Forever 21 I've ever seen to pick up my cousins' Christmas gift cards.

I had to resist not looking at the clothes because I'm pretty sure once I got started there would be no stopping me.

Macy's star!

By the time it was 7:30, the two of us were starving. We didn't want to eat at Westlake because all the restaurants would be packed with Figgy Pudding people, so we trekked back to my car at Pike Place and went back to Woodinville to eat at Red Robin.

I ordered the Crispy Chicken Salad with honey mustard drenched all over it. I also ate a shit ton of fries because I got promoted and could eat whatever I wanted.

I ended up getting to bed an hour later than I normally do on Fridays but I didn't care because my time having to go to bed early on the weekends is winding down.

Hooray for such an amazing day!

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