Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Program Schedule

Today we started our reduced Holiday Program Schedule at work, which means not as many news shows since this is the time of year when a lot of people take vacay.

Reduced Holiday Program Schedule also means that I have less to do at work, since we're not starting 15/45s until the new year. Damn! And I was just starting to get in the groove. Oh well... there will be plenty of time for 15/45s.

My day did get off to an awesome start though. I woke up and made myself a blueberry waffle with almond butter and banana, as well as milk and a side of more fruit. Just like yesterday! I'm so boring!

I took my breakfast up to my room so I could watch the Homeland finale on my computer. If you've never seen Homeland on Showtime, do it! It's ridiculously good and Damien Lewis has to be the best-looking ginger on television. Sorry Conan.

The finale was bomb dot com, as usual. Afterwards I started watching some of the Dexter finale before heading off to the gym.

I ran another 5 kilometers before it was time to head back home and get ready for work. I got another less severe side stitch while I was running, but I managed to power through it and finished the 5 kilos strong. I'm glad that I kept going and didn't just give up when my side started to cramp, but it would be really nice to run just once without always getting a side stitch.

It's all I ask for, Santa.

Before going home, I made a quick stop by the bank to deposit my paycheck (one of these days I'll actually start doing direct deposit) because someone has to pay her credit card bill today. Hot damn!

After I showered, I watched the rest of the Dexter finale while I did my make-up and dried my hair. I mean, O-M-GEE! (Spoiler alert) Deb totally walked in on Dexter while he was killing someone (and no that wasn't a euphemism for something sexual, you dirty bastards!).

I have no idea what's instore for TV's favorite serial (cereal) killer now that his sister discovered his evil secret. Will she still love him in a non-brother-sister way (he's adopted so it's okay)? We she tell the cops? Will they go off and murder people together, Manson-style? The family that kills together stays together, right?

Anywho, now I have to wait until like next October to get more Dexter and Homeland. Damn you cable subscription channels and your long hiatuses (hiati?)!

I got to work and wrote my stories for the 2pm show.

I ate a salad for lunch. I feel like it's been ages since I've had a salad. There was butter lettuce, turkey breast slices and mango. Not very exciting, but still delicious.

Then I had a lot of down time waiting for the 6pm show to get stacked. So in the meantime I read an interesting article about beginning runners can train for a half marathon.

Hey, I'm a beginning runner! I can train for a half marathon! Sounds like a plan to me. I'll keep you posted if I decided to run one. I'm strongly considering it.

To keep myself full and from diving into the tin of chocolate chip brownies someone brought in (what is with my co-workers and all their sweets?), I had a 100-calorie bag of popcorn. Thankfully I didn't burn it when I put it in the microwave. Nothing makes you less popular than when you make the workplace stink of burnt popcorn.

I also brought a bottle of Sobe Life Water, cherimoya punch flavor. You might be thinking, what's a cherimoya. Well, friend, I will tell you.

Cherimoya is a fruit native to the Andes region of South America, much like my Peruvian ancestors. It's green on the outside, but white on the inside, and it peppered with little black seeds that make it a bitch and a half to eat. Oh...but the taste of the fruit alone makes all the spitting out of the seeds worth it.

It's flavor is unique, but most describe it as a blend of banana, pineapple, papaya, peach, and grapefruit. Whatever it tastes like, it's delicious. And when I was in Peru, we ate it a lot. They even had Crystal Light cherimoya flavors. Those peruvians.

Anyway, the Sobe Life Water flavor is oh so good and I suggest everyone try it.

Today was also the day that I was going to turn in my vacation request so I can get 10 days off in September to go to Barcelona and London. Holy smokes, this trip is becoming more real everyday!

But sadly, the EP that I'm supposed to give it to is out of the office today, even though he's totally scheduled to work from 1:30-9:30pm. WTF Charles! Just because you spent every day of the last three months working on your video game special doesn't mean you can just not come into work one day. Oh you're the boss? Well, okay then, take a day off.

But you better come back to work tomorrow cuz the sooner I know I can get these days off, the sooner we can book our tickets, the sooner I can finally chillax. So...yeah. mom has started a Barcelona blog that takes our family from the prepping stages of our trip to our actual day-to-day adventures in the city of awesome architecture and even awesome-er soccer players. You can find it here.

After a while, my stomach was growling a bit, so I had some apple slices and peanut butter. Then it was more writing, writing, writing.

As I was writing for the 6pm show, I came across a story with the slug "My Little Bronies." I thought it had something to do with frat guys watching My Little Pony, but it turned out to be much sadder than that. And by "sad" I mean weird and pathetic.

It turns there's a group of nerds, I mean guys, who hang out and talk about everything related to My Little Pony. They call themselves "Bronies". And while they're talking about MLP, they're playing with their My Little Pony figurines. Like combing their tails and shit. I had to laugh just to keep from crying. Our assigment editor Jenn and I were IMing back and forth about it.

Then I went on Facebook and found that there is a nationwide, if not worldwide, community of these Bronies and their female counterparts, the Bronettes. And the funny thing is that they all probably have significant others, while I remain single and alone.

Maybe I should become a Bronette and meet my Bronie soulmate. I can be the Rainbow Dash to his Fluttershy.

Here's the KING story that we ran in our show.

A little while after the show, I had some din.

Spaghetti Squash with (new and not moldy) marinara sauce, plus turkey meatballs and broccoli. Delicioso!

Of course I didn't get a picture because after I took it, my iPhone spontaneously rebooted. I need Siri!

Another day down, another day closer to Christmas.


Yesterday, my newly promoted weekend nights producer Billie said that she would totally help train me to become a weekend producer just like her. I thought that was really nice, since that's something she herself doesn't have to do.

She said that if (or when) I get promoted to a producer job (whether it's weekends or not), she wanted me to be more prepared than she was going into it. This weekend was her first time producing a whole show, and while she was a little (a lot) bit nervous, she ending up doing a really good job.

I love how at NWCN everyone is so willing to help everyone else. I'm not sure I would have gotten that same treatment if I went to produce in a small market somewhere in the butt-crack of America. I love my job!

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