Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Resolutions

Happy New Year everybody! A new year always means a new beginning, and I feel like 2012 is going to be a great year to just do shit over.

Don't get me wrong, 2011 was bomb. I mean, I graduated from college (Magna Cum Laude, bitches) and got a full-time job in my field of study (tune in to NWCN to see other people read my handy work). Not very many people could say that.

There was other cool stuff I did this past year, but graduating and finding a job were pretty much up there. I guess going to Coachella would round out the top three. Somehow I do not see 2010 me going to Palm Springs for three days to just hang out and listen to a bunch of bands I've never heard of. Now I am hooked on music festivals.

Anywho, no new year can't start without a flaming bag of Resolutions. So without further ado, here is what I resolve to do in the coming year. Note: these are in no particular order. Plus I'm sure I forgot something.

I resolve to:

...go to Barcelona and London. Does it count as a Resolution if you know it's going to happen? Whatever, I don't care. I just wanted another excuse to say that I'm going to Barcelona and London in September. Suck on that!

...stick to my workout schedules. Since I started eating right and exercising more in September, I have never felt better. For the most part, I've really stuck to the workout schedules that I've set out for myself.

Take the Runner's World Magazine Holiday Running Streak. I was supposed to run at least a mile everyday between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Well, it's the day before New Year's and I ran at least a mile every day except for Christmas (and that's only because I felt like I had to puke). Not too shabby. Thanks to that, I can run a 5k in less than a half an hour. I don't think August 2011 Ally would have ever imagined that.

I know that there will be some days that I just won't be able to or won't feel like working out. And that's okay. But as long as I stick to most of my workouts, I'll be happy.

Now I want to do more running. More distance, more speed, and more racing. Which brings me to my next Resolutions... five 5ks. I read a lot of blogs where the writers are always talking about how great road races are. Now, I want to do road races. Since I can already run 3.1 miles with no problems, I want to at least get a cool t-shirt at the end.

I'm sure this one will be easy to do since there are like, a ka-gillion 5k races in Seattle. a sun-1:00 10k. This is the race that I'm starting my training for this week. I know a 10k is not a super challenging distance, but for a girl that until quite recently couldn't run 3 miles without dying, 10k seems pretty effing far.

Plus I figured that if I wanted to start training for races, I'd start out small. I'm not about to start running for a marathon right out of the gate. I'd for sure get burned out and never want to run again. I'm starting to like running (shocking, I know)...I don't want to scare it away. a half marathon. I know I haven't run my 10k yet, but I'm pretty sure that after I tackle that distance, I could totally try for a half-marathon. I'm not sure what kind of time I want to beat...I just want to finish one. Now my only question is whether I can do the Seattle Rock n Roll half in June (just two months after my 10k), or wait until the other Seattle half in November (when the weather is shitty). I'm sure I'll figure it out after I do the 10k.

...clean my room every weekend. This one may be the most important. Ever since I came home, my room has been an effing sty. All my clothes are piled in my papa-son chair and my bed is rarely made (but that's mainly because the comforter is all effed up and all the fluff is at the bottom). Well, it will be like that no more.

Every weekend, I will be sure to tidy up my room so that I don't run the risk of tripping on shoes or a scarf as I get out of bed in the morning.

...connect with friends more. I am really lame at keeping in touch with people. Mainly because I'm lazy or I just forget about them. Out of sight, out of mind. Well, in 2012 I want to hang out more with friends I have in Seattle, and skype more with college friends that live elsewhere.

I'm always complaining that I never do anything. Maybe that's because I never call them to see if they want to get together. I don't want to do that anymore. money better. Now that I have a real-life paying job, I somehow think that's okay to start spending more money than I need to. In 2012, I want to do a better job of budgeting my paycheck and only buy things that I really need.

This pretty much means I should finally set up direct deposit of B of A. Oops. healthier. This might seem really obvious and cliche, but it needs to be said. I've been eating pretty healthy the last part of 2011, but there definite room for improvement. Here's a more detailed list:
  • more lean protein - I really don't get enough chicken, fish, yogurt and other lean protein-y things in my diet. That needs to change if I plan to start running more.
  • more veggies - By "more" I mean variety. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are all well and good, but there are so many vegetables out there and all have different nutritional benefits. They need to be in my mouth.
  • more whole grains - This doesn't mean I get free-reign to eat a ton of bread, pasta and other useless carbs. I will be eating all of those things, but they have to be the right kind. Whole grains have a bunch of different health benefits, or so I've read. I need more whole grains.
  • drink more water - Anyone who has seen me over the last few month has also seen a grungy SmartWater bottle attached to my hip (not literally but you get it). I drink a lot of water during the day -- it's my beverage of choice -- but I need to drink more. Experts say you have to drink, like, half your body weight in ounces or something like that. In 2012, I'll try to drink at least 3 SmartWater bottles worth a day.
  • indulge in moderation - I don't want to be one of those health nuts that never have sweets or anything fatty. I love sweets and fat too much to give them up. I'll just eat them sparingly and in moderation. I can't go through life not having cheesecake. friendlier. This is in regards to mild acquaintances or people I meet on the street. Apparently I give off a pissed off vibe when I'm around people I don't really know. Sorry about it, nothing personal. That's just how my face is.

Anywho, I will try to appear more friendly when walking by strangers.

...try not to call my mom every time I have a freak out. While I'm sure my mom loves hearing from me during the day, she's probably not awesome with being my complaints sounding board. Sorry about that. From now on I'll try to figure out problems on my own...or at the very least call someone else and bitch at them. more. I was on such a roll a few months ago. Then the full-time promotion happened and my schedule made it so blogging was low on the totem pole when I got home...under eating and laying on the couch watching taped Jeopardy! I'll get back to blogging every day, even if some of the blogs don't have pictures in them. I know that's really annoying, but it has to happen. Posting pictures on here is really tasking and bugs me.

...not die in a Mayan-predicted, fiery apocalypse. I'm not really sure how to prevent this from happening, if it is indeed destined to happen. This is just something I really don't want happening to me. F*ck you, Mayans.

That pretty much sums up my goals for 2012. They seem pretty do-able, right? Totally! Anything is do-able if you set your mind to it and all that shit.

Again, have a safe and wonderful new year! I can't wait to go to the gym tomorrow and see all the people that promised to lose weight. That place is going to be packed!

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