Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vacation Hold-Up

Let's just dive right into the post, shall we, and deal with all the food and exercise talk later.

Basically, I was all excited going into work because I figured that today would be the day that I can get my vacation request in early (a whole 10 months early, I might add) so that I can get my days reserved for my trip to Barcelona.

However, when 1:30pm rolled around and my EP wasn't in yet (even though he was supposed to), I thought I would have to wait yet another day before I could turn in my request.

Thankfully, he did finally come in around 3pm. Better late than never, I guess. I proudly went up to him and handed him my blue vacation request form. And then he delivered me some upsetting news.

"Yeah, um...we've already had two people makes requests for two week vacations in September and...in my seven years in this business, we have never had everyone get all of their days off. But we'll try to work everything out."


My first thought was, "Why does the universe not want me to go to Barcelona?" A bit dramatic, I know.

My second thought was, "How early did those people send in their requests, if I sent in mine 10 months in advance?" Apparently with the combination of Olympics and state primary coverage in August and the general presidential election in November, September 2012 seems to be the hot month for vacations. Dammit. And I thought I was getting an early jump on things.

Needless to say I was a little upset that my trip to Barcelona isn't going to way I wanted it to. I know my mom is going to read this and think, "God, Ally! This is what happens when you work in the news business. Get over your damn self!"

To which I reply, "Duly noted. I do realized that I work in an industry where I might not get my vacation days when I want them. I'm just surprised that there would already be competition for vacation in September. Now just let me be annoyed for a bit, and then I'll get over it."

The good news is, after about a half hour of angst, I was over it. If I get the vacation days, great. If I don't, well...that sucks, but it's not like Barcelona is going away anytime soon.

In the end, my EP said he feels confident that I should be able to get the vacay days. Fingers crossed everyone!

Anywho, I had another problem today with scheduling, but this time it didn't have to do with vacation time.

I was checking out my work schedule for the next week to see when I'll be working on New Year's and such. I looked at my schedule on iNews (which is also our writing program) and it said that I wasn't working the day after Christmas...which I have known for several months.

However, when I looked on BeloNet (the website where our schedule will reside after the new year), my schedule said that I was working the day after Christmas...from 4am to noon! Aack!

I emailed my other EP (who was out of the office today) about the matter, and hopefully he'll tell me tomorrow that I indeed don't have to work that day. I mean, I already have to work Christmas Eve and Christmas...and did I mention that I'm working Christmas ALL BY MYSELF!!! I'm literally going to be the only one in the newsroom from 6am to about noon. That's going to be different.

I'll let you know how it all works out.


Now enough of my schedule complaining. Let's talk about how my morning went, okay?

For breakfast, I had another blueberry waffle...but this time it had sunflower butter spread all over it!

Sunflower butter?!?! What the eff?

Yeah, I know. It blew my mind too.

For a while, I had been reading on other blogs about how good sunflower butter was. So last night when I went to Trader Joe's, I thought it would be a good idea to try it out (hoping it would go better than my Cookie Butter experiment).

And I have to say, while sunflower butter is different from your normal peanut butter-varieties, it's actually pretty damn delicious. You totally get all the sunflower goodness in your mouth, without having to spit out all the shells.

Now that's something I can get behind.

As you can see in my breakfast picture, I also had some banana sliced on top, as well as a side of Greek yogurt mixed with berries.

I watched last night's Jimmy Fallon before I went to the gym. Seriously, I wish NBC played Late Night before the Tonight Show, because I don't know if you know, but Jay Leno blows. Fact.

I kind of had a late start at the gym because of some "intestinal" issues, but I still managed to get two miles in. The first one went kind of slow, but the second one when by much quicker. I love it when that happens.

Oh...so you know would I laid out a new workout schedule yesterday? Well... I've decided that I want to change it again. While I was running today, I decided that I want to start training for a 10k starting right at the new year. I have an app on my phone that gives me a training regimen so I can be in tip-top shape.

It said that if I start the third of January and trained for 16 weeks (which is the optimum time to train for a race), then I should be doing a 10k by the end of April. And guess what!? The Bellevue 10k is at the end of April! Perfect timing.

So that's what I'm going to be doing...starting after New Year's.

On another note, my Runner's World Holiday Running Streak is coming to an end soon. I can't believe I have run for 26 days straight. Only ten more days to go! Not that I'm complaining or anything.

After I got showered and put on my muppet vest, I was off to work.

Not a whole lot happening today, aside from all that scheduling nonsense. I had another salad for lunch, this time with turkey AND pineapple. Rebel!

When my EP got into work a little before 3pm, he still thought that our next show wasn't until 7pm. Surprise! They pushed it up an hour. If you were at work yesterday, you would have known that. Tisk, tisk.

So he had a minor (and by that I mean major) freak-out about not having the show done on time. But low and behold, with our powers combined, the show was done in plenty of time. Stick to decaf, Chuck.

While I was writing for the now 6pm show, I munched on some popcorn. It made me full.

During the 6pm, we had a mini-prompter malfunction. I'm sure my EP loved that. Thankfully our more-computer-savvy-than-me editor fixed it. Crisis overted!

After the 6pm show, I nommed on some butter lettuce topped with Trader Joe's Arugala and Parmesan stuffed ravioli and marinara sauce.

I warmed it up in the microwave, which made the lettuce a little weird. But I'd rather have weird lettuce than cold ravioli.

By the way, the ravioli was delicious. I'm so glad I have two servings left. Hello tomorrow's dinner!

Now I'm done with work, meaning it's time to go home and do...something. I probably should start wrapping Christmas gifts, but gift wrapping frustrates me because I'm really bad at it. I can never get the folds to be straight!


I also have to add that for Christmas, I got my parents one of those fancy Keurig coffee makers that make a gourmet cup of coffee in, like, a minute. The plan was to have it delivered to the house before Christmas, and then I could wrap it and my parents would be so happy.

Well...turned out it was delivered to the house, while my parents were home. That would have been no problem...except for the box saying "Keurig" all over it. Surprise!

Instead of waiting until Christmas to open the box, my parents opened it and are now using their new Keurig...that I got them. No big deal.

I've used it once myself. Made some of their hot chocolate. It was orgasmic!

Just had to share.

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