Sunday, December 18, 2011

Barcelona and the Fighting Tebows!

Today was the first time since July that I've gotten a full 8 hours of sleep on a Saturday night. And it was glorious!

I got up at 9:30 to an empty house (because my parents went out to breakfast) and made myself a blueberry waffle with almond butter and banana. There was a glass of milk and some more fruit on the side

As I ate my wonderfully easy to make breakfast, I waited for some football to come on. I decided to check my twitter to see how Barcelona did in the Fifa Club World Cup final they played at 2am our time. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they creamed South American champions Santos 4-0 to take the title as the best club team in the world.

Well, I can't say that I was surprised since I figured Barca would win. I was just amused that they kicked Santos's ass so badly. I mean, that's supposed to be the best team in South America...where they're supposed to be good at soccer.

I waited for my parents to get home so that we could watch the game on our DVR before I went to the gym. Once they got home we dove right into it.

And it was glorious. It was the best I've seen Barca play all year, with their one-touch passes and nearly 80% possession. Such a beautiful thing. It made me even more excited to see them in person (which I WILL do sometime in September!).

Once the game (if you could really call it that since it was so one-sided) was over and we watched all the Barcelona players get their medals and shit, I was off to the gym. I didn't have a lot of time to run since the Barca game took up most of my morning, but I made the most of it. I did two pretty brisk miles. I thought the faster I ran, the sooner I'd be done and could get home and get going for work.

Oh I still had that on the schedule.

After showering and what not, I scrafed down some chicken-less BBQ chicken on a slice of fiber-rich bread with broccoli on the side.

I ate pretty shitty yesterday, so I thought I would go back to basics with my food. Veggies, fruit, grains, and chicken-less chicken. What's not to like.

I got to work in time to see the second half of the Broncos-Patriots game. Sadly they were losing, but I thought if anyone can pull a victory from the jaws of defeat, it would be the mighty Tim Tebow. I mean, the man is practically Jesus so how can he lose?

Go Fighting Tebows!

Also, if you didn't see this skit on Saturday Night Live last night about the Fighting Tebows, watch it! Twas hilarious!

Unfortunately for the Mighty Tebows, either the Patriots were too good or God just wasn't paying attention, because they got blown up. Not pretty. Maybe next time, Tebows.

After writing, writing, writing and prompting, prompting, prompting, I had dinner.

I was hoping to have some spaghetti squash with marinara and turkey meatballs, but it turned out he had no marinara (well...not that was good to eat anyway). So instead I mixed in some chicken-less BBQ chicken and turkey meatballs.

It didn't actually taste that bad, but marinara would have definitely been preferred.

We had some breaking news tonight: Supreme Leader of North Korea and star of Team America: World Police Kim Jong Il died.

So sad.

Not really.

But we had to fix the first part of our show so we could have the story in there.

Now...I'm so...ronrey.

One a last note...

Now that my schedule is all flippy-floppy around, I need to figure out a new workout regimen.

I looked at my gym's class schedule and came up with this:

Sunday: Run and Hot Yoga
Monday: Run and kettle bell
Tuesday: Power Chizel (I have no idea what this is but it sounds interesting)
Wednesday: Run and kettle bell
Thursday: Spin
Friday: Hot Yoga
Saturday: Body Pump

This schedule is subject to change once I stop taking hot yoga. Then I'll probably start training for the Seattle 10k I want to run in August. Eight months of training may seem like a lot for a 10k, but I want to perform well.

Plus there's no saying I can't do other races in the meantime.

Should be great! Can't wait to start getting back into a regular routine.


Okay...super lastly, I got to meet KING sports guy Chris Egan. He pretty much keeps the sports department running with all of the packages and interviews he does. I'm a fan. And now we've met.

And he was super-duper nice.

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