Sunday, December 11, 2011

Vamos Barca!

The Clasico between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid took place yesterday, and despite some pretty harrowing moments in the beginning of the game (a Real Madrid goal in the first 25 seconds anyone?), Barca pretty much kicked ass and won 3-1.

Yeah, the Madrid goal 25 seconds into the game was kind of a shock. And by "shock" I mean awfulness. But instead of freaking out and becoming beligerent like I normally do when I watch soccer games, I just sat back and believed that my team would pull through. And they did, so there. Although I was still pretty beligerent.

The best part of the Barca win: Ronaldo totally sucking balls like he normally does. He may score like five goals against all the other shitty teams in La Liga, but he can never seem to perform when it's time to face the Blaugrana. Sorry, douche-turd. Try again in April.

After the game I took a ridiculously long nap, which felt amazing. Apparently the game took more out of me than I realized. Then after eating some dinner, making my lunch, and watching some TV, I went back to bed at 9:30...the last time I'll ever have to do that.

When I woke up at 3:30 this morning, all I could think of was that after this morning, I will always sleep 8 hours a night. And that was a great feeling.

However, the great feeling went away after I went to get in my car and saw that I had locked my keys inside. FAIL. I guess that I'm so used to automatically locking my door when I leave my car that I must have been on auto-pilot and locked the doors after I parked it in the garage. That has to be the only explaination since there is no reason why I should lock my car when it's chilling in the garage.

Or I'm just an idiot, which is another likely situation.

I checked on our key holder inside the house, and of course couldn't find the extra set to my car. So I ended up having to take my dad's car to work. That probably worked out for the best becaues my car was running low on gas, and thanks to me being a moron, I didn't have to use any gas to get to work this morning.

Of course, now I'm worried that I won't have enough miles in my dad's car to get back home. Apparently electric cars don't do so well when it's effing freezing outside and the cooler temperatures drastically decreases the mileage of the car. Here's to hoping it warms up a bit by 11am.

Additionally, since I was trying to conserve as many miles as possible this morning, I couldn't even turn the heat on in the car (because that wastes electricity). Let's just say I froze my little woman testicles off this morning.


I made another batch of oatmeal, this time with protein powder, peanut butter and banana.

I could have used the cookie butter again, but I ate the rest of the jar last night. And now my stomach churns every time I think of cookie butter. Blech.


The oatmeal kept me pretty full, so it was just a little Jonagold apple for my snack.


Since last week's pre-run lunch was such a success, I decided to give it another try. Greek yogurt with raspberries and blueberries and a Smores Luna Bar.

I guess it tasted like a smore, if a smore was a marshmallow and chocolate piece between two pieces of cardboard. But it was adequate.

I'm done with my last early weekend morning shift. Holler!!! Now it's off to the gym and here's hoping I can actually run well today.

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