Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"That's Hot!"

I went to me 10th out of 20 hot yoga session this morning. Lately I've been going in the afternoon so I could go with my cousin, but today I went to the 9:30am session so I could go with my friend Holly.

It was my second session in less than 18 hours...and holy shit were my legs feeling it.

Before yoga I hopped over to the gym to run. I was hoping to run a couple miles before leaving for Redmond, but my stomach was so wonky. Note to self: don't drink milk immediately before running, but if you are going to drink milk, at least wait an hour before running.

The dairy was not so kind to me.

But I got my mile in and extended my Runners World running streak to 13 days.

Then I drove over to yoga and got settled in. From the beginning of class my legs felt so heavy and tired that it made some of the poses pretty difficult. I think it would be safe to say that this was the most trying class at of all the ten I've been to.

But at least now I can bend over a touch my toes. That's never really happened to me before. Barreras a not flexible people.

After class, I went to Jamba Juice to get some liquid lunch. It had pomegranates in it, and pomegranates cure cancer...or something. From Jamba I headed to Trader Joe's because I forgot to get peanut butter the last time I was there. I got the peanut butter, and $60 worth of other things.

Some of that $60 was baking supplies. Since this weekend is my last early morning shift, I thought that I would bring in some baked goods for my co-workers. I wanted to make some sugar cookies from scratch, but a lazy spell came over in TJ's and I got the Sugar Cookie Mix. Pretty sure I'm going to be making some of them tonight.

Another wonder that I got at Trader Joe's was Speculoos Cookie Butter. It's like a peanut butter, but instead of tasting like peanuts, it tastes like a hint of gingerbread cookies with some biscuit. Some might think it's not that healthy, and maybe it's not, but as long as I eat it in moderation it should be okay. Right? Sure.

After scarfing down way too much cookie butter, it was time to make some cookies.

I mixed the Trader Joe's Sugar Cookie mix with the butter, egg and the zest of two limes until it turned into a big dough ball. Then I chilled it in the fridge for about 4 hours. The box said I could chill it up to 24 hours, but I really didn't want to wait that long.

In the four hours of chilling, I ate TJ's Goat Cheese and Sundried tomato ravioli, butter lettuce, and fruit. Meh.

Back to the cookies. I rolled out the dough and cut the cookies into circles. Since my dad threw out all our cookie cutters, I MacGuyvered that shit and cut the dough with a coffee cup. Perfect circles.

Then it was time to go in the oven. Rise, cookies, rise!!!

I whipped up a little frosting/glaze thing using some confectioners' sugar, butter, water and the juice of a lime. These are lime sugar cookies after all.

I am using all my power to not eat all the cookies before I bring them to work on Saturday. It might be tough because they look so damn delicious.

I did let my parents taste test them, and they said the cookies were delicious. So I think my coworkers will be very happy with me.

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